A Plan but first Permission

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Lydia walked down to the kitchen for breakfast. "Hey Ambrose!" she said casually, "When is the next warlock meeting?"

"Next week, why the sudden interest cousin?" he asked. "I thought you hate Blackwood…"

"Hate is a strong word, I would say I despise him." she sighed, "But that's besides the point… I need your help to sabotage that meeting!"

"Sabotage the meeting?! Are you insane?" Hilda demands, "Or did Zelda dropped you when you were a baby?!"

"I certainly did not!" Zelda denied. "But why?"

"Ambrose," Lydia hit her palms on the counter, "you said it yourself this new regime is a threat to our family, as it is a matriarch… I grew up with my father he thought me that I am strong and should not let any man defy my life… and that's exactly what I want my daughter to learn that she came from a strong line of women. I don't want her to be scared or submissive to any man and the only way that would happen is by overthrowing Blackwood and placing either Leticia or Prudence in power."

"Have you completely lost your mind?!" Sabrina demanded, "Place Prudence Night the person who had terrorized me by harrowing … the person who refer to us as halfbreeds…"

"So?! Mother harrowed Aunt Hilda," Lydia points out, "and we forgave her… so why can't we give Prudence the same chance?"

"Aunt Zee is family…" Ambrose argued, "Prudence is not…"

"Leticia is a Spellman a family why can't her older sister be family too?" Lydia questioned.

Silence, dead silence. "Look, if you guys don't want to this then don't. But you should know that I'm doing this with or without your help… for my daughter's future…" Lydia adds.

Sabrina sighs, "Fine, I'm in!"

"Thank you." Lydia embraced Sabrina.

Ambrose mumbles, "I'm in too. Someone needs to keep you two out of trouble."

"This is exciting, what should I do?" Hilda asked.

"Ambrose, can you convince the group to have the meeting elsewhere?" Lydia asked.

"Where to?" Ambrose asked.

"Sabrina, you and I are going to look for a new venue…" Lydia ordered, "And Aunt Hilda can you make some desserts for the group?"

"Sure." Hilda nodded.

"You do know,"Zelda began, "that you don't have to search for a venue, you can have it here, I mean like Ambrose said, someone needs to keep you lot out of trouble."

"Everyone got their assignment?" Lydia asked.

Everyone nods but Sabrina. "Ok good, move out!" Lydia clapped. "Sabrina, you, mother, and I are gonna be waitresses and act like we fully support the cause. Now, we have the hardest job, are you two up for it?"

"Oh you know I'm up for it, cousin."  Sabrina responded.

Lydia nods, "How bout you, mother? Can you act like you support your… oh what's the word?"

"High Priest?" Hilda hoped that whatever her niece was about to say wouldn't anger Zelda.

"No…" Lydia shook her head.

"Her lord?" Ambrose guessed.

"No…" Lydia smirked.

Sabrina held her breathe praying that she'd get swallowed by the ground.

Lydia looked around the kitchen, "Your friend."

Sabrina, Hilda, and Ambrose sighed in relief.

"What?!" Zelda demanded.

Hilda smiled at Lydia, "You gave me a heart attack!"

"I was truly praying that I get swallowed alive by the ground." Sabrina said playfully.

"My heart had stopped." Ambrose catching his breath. "Next time you do that, warn us…"

Lydia slowly walked towards Ambrose, "Well then consider this warning…" Lydia smirked, "Run!"

Ambrose, Sabrina, and Hilda all ran of fright, leaving and an extremely amused Lydia with a confused Zelda.

"What was that about?" Zelda asked.

Lydia smiled deviously, "I know…"

"You know what?"

"I know, mother, I know."


"About you and Blackwood."

"What?! How?! Who told you?!"

"Really, mother? You are insulting my intelligence… I had an inkling that something was up then when we went to the academy he was looking at your butt but I needed some assurance and once I saw him checking you out… so… yeah…"

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