Scheming Evening

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Lydia was in her room getting ready for the evening, when the doorbell rang.

"Lydia!" Sabrina  called, "They're here!"

Lydia took Leticia's hand while Aurora was in her arms, walking down the stairs, "Sorry, needed to get the girls ready, as well. By the way, where's my mother?"

"She's in the kitchen, with Aunt Hilda." Ambrose claimed.

"And we were task to greet the guests…" Sabrina smiled.

"Ok… is everything ready?" Lydia asked.

"The guests are in the dining hall…" Ambrose nodded.

"Who came?" Lydia asked.

"The Weird Sisters, Ms. Wardwell, Dezmelda, and others who want to join our cause." Sabrina responded.

"Then let's go…" Lydia walked towards the dining hall. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!" Lydia greeted. "It is my pleasure to have each and everyone of you to support us…"

"What is it your fighting for?!" ask the warlock with black hair, pale skin and blue gray eyes.

"My family and I are fighting for the equality of all witches and warlocks no matter our blood status!" Lydia yells.

"Also the right to marry mortals!" Hilda cuts in.

Lydia frowned, "Times are changing, shouldn't the Church of Night change too."

"Ms. Spellman," a witch with dark curly hair called, "with all do respect, but you are still young and do not see the traditions we have had throughout centuries."

"As true as that is," Lydia nods, "isn't it time that our church had fresh faces in the top… Prudence Night is the daughter of the current high priest, we also have his youngest daughter, Leticia. Leticia's merely a toddler and her father, our high priest wants her dead, so that his son, Young Judas, will be the only legitimate heir to his riches. These two beautiful young women has been past on because of the fact that they were born female…"

"I think what my lovely cousin is trying to say is," Sabrina paused, "We are fighting for the injustice, that has been going on for centuries. Its time we stand up for ourselves. Who's with me?!"

(A roar of cheers) "And that Lydia, is how you make an audience impact." Sabrina winked.

(Doorbell rings) "I'll get that." Lydia quickly made her way to open the door.

It was Kenneth, "Hi! I was in the neighborhood and thought you and your daughter might want to go out…"

"I… uh… I can't…" Lydia shook her head, "my mom has people over…"

"Alright how bout tomorrow night?" Kenneth asked.

"Uh… um… ok." Lydia smiled.

"Great!" Kenneth kissed her, "See you then."

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