Chapter Twenty One

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Please read the author's note at the end today! Important!

It was weird how Scarlett could go from searching for somewhere everywhere to completely avoiding them. Like right now, how she was avoiding Liam. Looking back on last night’s thousand and one calls she was mortified. She probably had no reason to worry and now she sounded like a stalker.

Scarlett was walking down the hallways with Mason on the way to their first class, they were earlier than usual. He was trying to convince her to come to tonight’s bonfire with him and Liam, whilst not so subtly asking why they were being so weird lately. Mason was unfortunately much smarter than the rest of their classmates when it came to realising that something was going on.

“You need to go tonight okay? Wanna know why? I’ll say the same thing to you that I said to Liam.” Mason said excitedly, “The Lacrosse team is going to be there. We’re going to find you both a nice attractive member of the opposite sex to embarrass yourselves in front of and we are going to find me a Lacrosse player because statistically, someone on your team has to be on my team.”

“And by my team, you mean…?” Scarlett asked.

“Keep up, Scarlett. I mean the Lacrosse team. You spend so much time in the boys locker room and helping Coach that you basically are the team. I assume that when you and Liam run off together you’re doing Lacrosse stuff.”

Something like that, she thought.

“Mason, you realise you’re not exactly being subtle, right?” Scarlett said, amusedly.

“Fine.” He seemed to give up. “What’s going on with Liam?”

She sighed. She knew this question was going to come up sooner or later but had she hoped that it was later. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Bullshit you don’t, Scarlett. He’s being hanging out with Juniors, disappearing everywhere, his leg – which I could of sworn was broken – magically healed, I spoke to him this morning and he was all sweaty and nervous. He looked like he was going to pass out. I could only just get him to come tonight and don’t think he even realised he agreed. There is something going on Scarlett and you know exactly what it is because you’ve been running out on me too. So what is it?”

Mason and Scarlett stopped in the middle of the hallway. Her guilt had been rising and rising with every word. She wanted so desperately to tell her closest human friend everything but the thing was, it wasn’t really her secret to tell. Scar could tell Mason about her powers, but she couldn’t explain properly without telling him everything. She couldn’t tell him that but she wouldn’t lie to him anymore.

Just as she was about to answer Mason’s expectant look, an announcement went out over the PA. “Scarlett Martin, Coach Finstock needs to see you. You know where to go.” The voice was most obviously Coach’s voice. He was trying to sound mysterious and powerful but he just sounded like an idiot. She sighed again and Mason looked disappointed.


“Just go, Scarlett.”

“Look, Mase. Meet me at the bleachers at lunch, okay? I need to speak to you.” She said. She hoped he would say yes but he just nodded, walking away. She just stood there for a moment. She gulped, as if she could try and swallow her guilt but it seemed impossible. Scarlett just shook her head and made her way to the locker room.


Scarlett automatically cringed at the disgusting smell of the locker room. She had to stop herself from grabbing her strongest smelling perfume and spraying over every inch of the place to cover up the smell of sweat, dirty clothes and copious amounts of testosterone from that stupid competition the boys had when they looked at each other’s genitals to see whose was the biggest. Boys.

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