Arrival part 1

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Guys, this is the 50th chapter! I want to thank every single one of you for reading, voting, and reviewing, and it means a lot to me :) So far, we have followed James and friends through a lot of ups and downs, and there's still more to come. There is also a possibility that I might do a sequel (it would follow James, Jade, and friends in Los Angeles as they try to move on from their medical past and pursue their dreams. xoxoxo, Brooke



"The nursery looks fantastic." I lowered myself into the ocean blue rocking chair, rubbing my very large stomach as I looked around at the Spongebob themed room. It was a baby's paradise, in my opinion. Tristan and Avery would have so much fun in here. We had two blue cribs with Spongebob themed bedding, a mobile with all the main Spongebob Squarepants characters hanging over each one, the two cribs, aqua colored walls with Spongebob wall borders, and it looked totally perfect.

"Doesn't it?" James said proudly, hanging one of our chosen photographs on the wall. You see, we'd decided that we wanted our boys to always be able to see mommy and daddy, even if we weren't right there. So we'd picked out a few of our favorite photographs and framed them to hang on the walls. "Wanna see?"

"I'll see in a bit." I breathed, holding my stomach. I kept having these pains. Really weird pains and they just...they didn't feel normal. My OB-GYN said they were probably just Braxton Hicks as usual, but I was becoming more and more doubtful. The contractions were too consistent. Started out just occasional, but now they seemed to be getting closer together. "Oh god..."

"What's wrong?" James hurried over and knelt beside me. "You okay?"

"Jay, what does it mean when my contractions are, like, ten minutes apart?" I sucked in a breath as another contraction hit. I was 32 weeks along. I wasn't suppose to go into labor yet. What in the hell was going on?! "I-Oh no." I looked down. w-was trickling down my legs. Oh, no, no, no..."JAMES!"

"W-we've gotta get you to a hospital." He said weakly, pulling me up from the rocking chair. I gasped for air, blinking back tears as we headed for the door. I felt a lump in my throat as I began to cry tears of fear and pain. I didn't understand. This wasn't suppose to happen. It was not suppose to happen!

"James, this isn't suppose to happen!" I cried, taking a deep breath as another contraction hit. "OH...MY...GOD. IT HURTS!"

"Shhhh, I'm gonna get you to the hospital, okay?" He whispered, kissing my cheek. "MOM!"

"Yeah, hon?" Mrs. Diamond appeared at the bottom of the stairs. When she saw us, her expression turned from one of curiosity to one of concern. "What's wrong? James, Jade, what's happening?"

"She's going into premature labor." He said, tightening his grip around me.

"Oh my god...We need to go NOW." Mrs. Diamond grabbed her handbag, reaching out to me and getting a hold of me like James had. I kept taking deep breaths to try and remain calm, but when you're only 32 weeks pregnant and your twin sons are about arrive way sooner than normal, it tends to be frightening. "I know you wanted to do this at Grand Marais Medical Center, but you're gonna have to do it at Duluth Medical Center." She guided me out the door and to the car, helping me into the back seat. "James, I want you to sit in the backseat with her. Hold her hand and try to keep her calm."

"HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO BE CALM?!" I screeched as James appeared beside me and grabbed my hand. I tightened my grip on his hand as another contraction hit, throwing my head back and crying out. I'd experienced pain before, but nothing could possibly compare to this.

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