Hard to Understand

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I'm thinking that the next chapter after this one will be even more eventful? More drama and angst;P Also, I'm highly considering changing my Fanfiction.net username from iHeartLogiebear to iheartjamesandbtr after I update Thoughts of a Stranger, to match my Wattpad!  xoxoxo, Brooke



“Honey, do you really think--”

“Mom, just let me go.” I got out of the van, heading towards the hospital entrance without another word. I was still shaken up from the vandalism thing and all I wanted to do was see my friends. I just hoped that James didn’t hate me after I freaked out on him over the phone. Most people would’ve decided to give me the silent treatment, which I probably deserved.

I wasn’t use to this place being so quiet. Just a few voices, some telephones ringing, and the sound of my feet tapping against the floor as I hurried to the elevator. Once I’d pushed the 4th floor button, the doors began to close and I was left to wonder who would ever do such a thing as what was done today. As far as I knew, I hadn’t done a thing to make anyone angry. I could only assume that someone just thought it would be funny, although their thinking was seriously off. Nothing funny about vandalizing someone’s property.


I excited the elevator, somewhat relieved that no one acknowledged me. I just walked quietly until I made it to Kendall’s room, but confused when he wasn’t there. He must be in James’ room. I ended up walking there, but while hoping that I could avoid anyone awkward moments with James.

“Carlos! What happened? Camille said someone--” Kendall had his arms around me now, which was a little strange since he normally hated physical contact with anyone that wasn’t Jo. 

“Yeah, I was eating at DQ and then I found that someone had 1) Spraypainted ‘Crazy’ ALL OVER my car, 2) Smashed all of my windows, and 3) Th-they l-left a bunch o-of razors and kn-knives inside.” I was having some major flashbacks. My hands wouldn’t stop shaking and all I could see was the horrific sight I had found earlier.

“Shall I grab my foster dad’s shotgun?” Logan suggested. We all looked at him and he shrugged. “What? Come on, just to scare ‘em!”

“No guns, please.” Kendall said before looking at me. “Do you know who might have done it?”

“I don’t know. That’s what my dad and his guys are trying to find out.” I sat down on James’ bed, sighing deeply.  I really wanted to say something to him, but I just felt so bad. He’d only been trying to help, but I had to act like a complete jerk. I knew that depression was no excuse to treat a friend badly.

“Carlos, I’m sure they’ll find the guy. Is there anyone at school that had anything against you?” He asked, putting his hand on my shoulder. 

I thought hard for a minute, then gasped. I knew a suspect now. It was so obvious!

“Well, there is one guy at my school, named Parker, who is always being sort of rude to me. He makes comments in the hallways, calls me ‘crazy’ a lot, even wrote it on my desk when I went to the restroom one time....”  Parker had to be the culprit. He was the only one who actually was open about ridiculing me for my attempt and how messed up my brother had been. It must have been him, but why?

“I think I know your guy.” Kendall patted my back. “Now you just need proof that he did it.”

“Proof. Yeah, like that’ll happen.” I grumbled, shaking my head. I hated to be a downer (publicly at least), but Parker was too smart for us. If he did it, then he would surely have known to get rid of the evidence. He probably destroyed it, so there was no hope of ever getting him in trouble. At least I didn’t think so....

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