Shut Up and Love Me

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Well, here's another chapter! Hope you enjoy:) xoxoxo, Brooke



“So, this is the place? This is her aunt’s house?” Mom wondered as we pulled in front of a nice brick, two story house. It was quite nice, actually, for such a simple home. I’d always grown up in the more ritzy type homes, but I quite liked the smaller ones. Still, I was too distracted by my concern over my and Jade’s relationship to really acknowledge it.

“Um, yeah.” I murmured. Jade was walking out of the house right now, holding what appeared to be a brand new black leather purse. Why did I have the feeling that she wouldn’t be speaking to me? Why should she? I basically lied to her about the letter, keeping quite a big secret from her. I felt like the worst boyfriend in the world, but I really did hope that we could forget about it, at least for one day.

“Hi, Jade!” 

“Hi, Mrs.Diamond.” She got into the back seat and then leaned forward, kissing my cheek.  Well,  that was a good sign. The only problem was the awkwardness I still felt. I couldn’t stop thinking about our conversation and the fact that she hadn’t called me since Tuesday? Well, that just made me feel even worse.

“You guys ready to go?”

“Of course!” Jade chirped. As the car took off, I remained silent, looking out the window. Minneapolis was my favorite city to visit. It was close to home, only four and a half hours, and it had plenty of things for us to do. I never got bored when I came here.

All was silent was I watched the buildings pass us by. I hoped we would get to the arena soon. I was really eager to see the show. After all, I had been waiting for two whole weeks! I hadn’t had a real break in quite some time and the fact that I got to leave the hospital to see an ice show and spend the night at my girlfriend’s house was a relief from the harsh reality I had to face on a daily basis.

“The arena’s not too far away, is it?” Mom noted.

“It really isn’t!” Jade agreed. Why was she acting like our conversation never happened? I, for one, wanted to confront the issue. I knew some people could easily just let things go, but not me. When something was really bothering me, I needed to talk about it and resolve the problem. To me, there was a problem. I had kept something from her and now, days later, she didn’t even seem to care.

“Oh, and Jade, I love what you did with your hair!” Mom acknowledged. Jade still had her straight, blonde hair, but she had added pink dip dyed tips. For a minute, I almost worried that the constant hair changing might damage it.

“Thanks!” Jade reached out and rubbed my shoulder, much to my confusion. She was being extra touchy today and my confusion just kept growing. It was like she was purposely pushing the whole thing aside. Although, I also considered the possibility that maybe she was just trying to put our fight aside so we could have a good, fun day together.

“Have you ever been ice skating, Jade?”

“Once, and it was a disaster.” She shuddered. I thought back to my days spent playing ice hockey. I was pretty good at it too. It was even predicted that I would be the team captain this year. I wished I could have had that chance, but I’d had to accept that things change. Things do not always go as planned.

“Ooooh, we’re almost there!” Mom squealed as she turned a corner. It seemed as thought she was even more excited than I was. Once you’ve spent months walking in and out of a hospital, it probably is hard to not be overjoyed when you finally get to step outside the city limits.

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