Christmas part 1

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There's no journal entry at the end of this because it's part 1 of a two part Christmas chapter:) Also, I'm going out of town for about five days this next week. I'll have my laptop with me and I'll be writing and updating, but I can't guarantee that updates will be every day! It's only till Friday :) xoxoxo, Brooke



It’d been more than two weeks since I had went back to LA, with my repaired reputation. I’d been thinking, though. Even though I’d managed to get my decent reputation back, something was still missing. I hadn’t found my “fire”. If I didn’t find a talented group in the next few months, Rocque Records would just be a miserable failure.

The kids. The kids back at that hospital. There were four in particular that stood out to me. Obviously, I probably wouldn’t be able to get them, because they were sick. However, I could dream. Sometimes I thought about those four boys and thought “As long as they know how to sing and dance, I could work with them.” 

It was Christmas and I was sitting at my desk alone. Kelly had flown out to Indiana to be with family and I was doing nothing. I’d almost purchased tickets to Fiji, but eventually came to the conclusion that it just wouldn’t be any fun to go alone. I just hated how pathetic I felt right now.

Until I noticed the folded paper sitting behind my computer. With eyebrows raised, I picked it up and unfolded, reading the words written down.


No one deserves to be alone on Christmas day, so I want you to do something. I want you to visit someone you care about. It doesn’t even have to be family or a best friend. Just visit someone that means something to you and spend this day with them.

Sincerely, Kelly

That was it. I knew what I wanted to do. All I would need was a ticket to Minnesota.



December 25 was what the calendar said. It was now 10:30 on Christmas morning and I was once again waking up in a hospital bed. 

I sat up and looked over at Logan’s bed, but he wasn’t in it. I did, however, notice three presents sitting next to the door, with a big white cardboard scene that said “OPEN US WHEN YOU WAKE UP”. I was a bit surprised that the guys didn’t want to be there when I opened my gifts, but I figured it was best not to question it. So I just got out of bed and hurried over to the gifts, sitting down.

The first one was a square box wrapped in red with Christmas wreaths printed all over. I could guess from that alone that this one was probably from Logan. He had this weird obsession with Christmas wreaths. He’d practically demanded that Dr. Rivers buy one and allow him to hang it on our door, and sure enough, we now have a wreath on our door.

To: James

From: Logan

Love you, buddy. Merry Christmas!

A smile was already appearing on my face as I began to tear away the paper. Kendall said that Logan was pretty good at picking out presents (although not quite as good as Carlos), so I was told that I shouldn’t worry. Okay, now, what had Logan gotten me...


It was a new pair of headphones and a DVD. The Beats Studio (by Dr. Dre) headphones in the color red, along with the Varsity Vampire 2 DVD. I’d seen Varsity Vampire and was pretty much in love with that movie, so when I found out they were coming out with a sequel, I guess you could say I had a fanboy moment. I had a bit of a crush on the leading lady, Holland Evans. The red hair and the innocent face just got me every time. Lucy was friends with Dak, the film’s lead actor, which was why she’d managed to get him as her date to the Halloween dance.

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