A New Face

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So, so, so, so sorry I haven't updated this in two or three days! I haven't felt well, but I'm feeling MUCH better and I'm ready to get back to updating! xoxoxo, Brooke



My new roommate was suppose to be arriving today. Only Logan had mentioned meeting the guy and had said that he was a pretty nice kid, although his accent made it hard to understand him at time. I had always liked accents, though. Spanish, Italian, French, Irish, Chinese, blah blah blah. They were kind of interesting to hear and learn to understand the differences between them.

“Touch me again and I’ll make sure you never can have children!” Carlos jumped backwards, hiding behind Logan. My lovely wife was having one of those hormonal days. I think she tried hard to control it around me, but today she wasn’t even bothering it. Hey, it was fine. I knew she needed to let it out sometimes.

“Guys, can you be quiet?” I asked as I rested in the comfy recliner. I wasn’t having such a great day myself. For some reason, my fourth day after chemo always seemed to be one of the most difficult.  Aching joints was the problem too. I was use to it, sure, but it was hardly something I actually enjoyed putting up with.

“What’s wrong?” Jade frowned, sitting on my lap. 

“Nothing.” I closed my eyes, while her lips touched mine. I put my arm around her waist, my other hand on her stomach. Our baby was my greatest source of comfort these days. Just thinking about the arrival of little Tristan shined a little more light into my day, even though the idea of becoming a father just about terrified me.

“You don’t look very comfortable.” She stood up, giving my hand a squeeze.

“It’s just my back and my legs that are giving me trouble.” I confessed, kissing the back of her hand.  “But I’m okay.”

“I, for one, admire this guy. If I felt like I had just gotten hit by a truck, I’d let everyone know.” Kendall said, sitting on my bed. I remained silent, although I did crack a smile. He was right about the truck thing. I felt like I had been hit by a truck. Yep, that was about right and I didn’t even have to say anything to him.

“We know you would.” Logan patted his shoulder before pulling a chair up to my recliner. “Now you. Has Doctor Rivers given you anything for the pain?” 

“Yeah, a nurse brought me some pain meds about three hours ago. I think it might be wearing off, though.” I flinched, still holding Jade’s hand. For a distraction, I stared at her wedding ring, with occasional looks at my own. Mom said that a gift from my Aunt Clarissa arrived at the house and that she would bring it to the hospital later. She told me that it was for both Jade and myself, a wedding/baby present.

“Shoulder massages always make me feel better.” She stood behind me and rested her hands on my shoulders, and began rubbing in a soothing motion. I had to admit, she was good at these. So good that I couldn’t help just closing my eyes, leaning back, and relaxing. It didn’t make my pain completely go away, but it helped me not think about the discomfort as much.

“You guys doing okay in here?”

“Hi, Mrs. D. Listen, I was thinking we should all step outside so James and Jade can--” But before Carlos could say another word, his mouth was covered by Kendall’s hand. Poor Mom looked so uncomfortable at what Carlos almost implied. I heard Jade choke back a laugh and I almost did the same, but I was too busy taking in the enjoyable massage.

“Um....I brought a gift for James and Jade from his aunt.” Mom said awkwardly, placing the bag on the bed. “Maybe you guys would like to open it.”

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