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Asdfghjkl James in the new Sequestered poster. The show is premiering on Sony Crackle on August 5 and I am SO gonna watch it. The concept sounds really cool and James is in it, so YES :D I can't wait to see his character! Also, this chapter is even longer than I thought it would be! Hope you enjoy! xoxoxo, Brooke


“Any particular reason you just sat a huge box of pizza in front of me?” Gustavo folded his arms over his chest, eyeing Carlos warily.

“Because everyone likes pizza!”

“Yes, but one problem. You got anchovies on it.”


“I don’t like anchovies, genius.”

“Hehehe.” Carlos quickly began removing the anchovies with his bare hands. Unfortunately, he ended up throwing them over his shoulder, onto MY table, where the strong anchovy smell proceeded to make its way up my nostrils, causing my queasiness to flare up. I hated to make Carlos feel guilty, though. So I just cringed and picked them up, placing them all in a napkin and throwing them into the garbage can beside me.

“Better!” He said cheerfully. 

“Hmmm...whatever.” Gustavo picked up a slice of pizza, taking a bite. Well, at least he wasn’t bratty enough to start bitching about the anchovies. I understood that we were all suppose to be doing all these kind things for the guy, but I couldn’t say I necessarily cared for his attitude. I respected him, I was definitely a fan of his work, but he always seemed to be in a bad mood. It wasn’t very pleasant.

Anyway, Christmas was three weeks away and my aunt was suppose to be visiting later. She was from San Diego (well, La Jolla) and she actually just had a baby last April, and so she’d been taking care of her son, but she was finally gonna get to visit me. I was really eager to meet little Chris. I’d seen pictures. He was a cute little guy. Almost eight months old.

“Jay, do you think you could eat some of this?” Carlos asked, approaching my table. God, I hadn’t eaten pizza in months. I wanted some so bad. The problem was that I always got nauseous  every time I ate it. I wasn’t exactly sure if it’d be a good idea to take this risk and actually try to eat something, but I wanted to try.

“Alright, hand a slice over.” I shrugged.

“You sure? Because you don’t have t--”

“Carlitos, it’s fine.” I gave him a gentle smile as he handed me a slice. I stared at it for a while, taking a deep breath. Then I took a small nibble, savoring the taste. Not bad....Before I knew it, I had taken another bite, and another, and another. By the time I had swallowed the entire thing, I was almost in disbelief because I normally had such a hard time holding down a meal.

“Wow, I fed you and it didn’t kill you.”

“My appetite’s pretty decent today.” I said before getting to my feet. “Now,” I leaned forward, whispering in his ear. “How about we go to the gift shop and get a present for Mr.Cranky over there?”

“Ooooh!” Carlos suddenly grabbed my hand, dragging me towards the gift shop. I didn’t go here very much, but on the rare occasion that I did, I had a nice time just looking at all the items they sold. Mom bought me this teddy bear a few weeks ago and sometimes I’d cuddle it if I was having a particularly bad night. Thankfully, Logan didn’t usually make fun of me either.

“How about a gift basket?” Carlos suggested. I walked over to where he was standing, looking at the gift baskets on the shelves. Most of them had candy, a DVD, and some kind of stuffed animal in it. I personally found myself being drawn to the one with the Hershey’s chocolate bar, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Spongebob Squarepants Seasons 1 & 2, and the stuffed yellow cat. I was pretty sure that Gustavo liked cats, since he had a Peruvian Hairless Cat of his own.

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