3. Dear Maggie, I love you.

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It's Friday!!

I look at the clock counting down until we're dismissed. Already in college I’m bored. I sigh looking at the pie chart on the PowerPoint that the teacher is doing.

I start tapping my pencil. Still thirty minutes to go. All I can really think about it how hungry I am.

Something hits my desk with a light tap and I look down to see a folded up piece of paper.

I unfold it looking at the messy hand writing.

What's got you in a hurry to leave?

I look up confused and see Westley look over at me.


I'm starving.

I write back.

I toss the note back over to him and this time when it's tossed back it's bulky.

I open it up and see a nutrition bar.

Well you are pregnant. How far along are you now?

I smile at the food.

You're saving me from starvation. Don't tell anyone I'm pregnant I don't want anyone to know until it's obvious. And three months.

I unwrap it trying to smother the crinkling by putting the bar under my desk.

Not that I'm a baby expert or anything but doesn't that mean you can find out the sex of the baby soon?

Yeah. Me and Jake have an ultra sound next week.

You're going to tell me right?

Haha yeah of course.

I toss it back and when I do I look up and see James glaring at Westley.

He looks over at me and I tilt my head raising one eyebrow in question.

He shakes his head and turns back to the front.

Do you have any name ideas yet?

Not really, we want to wait until we know what the sex is, and what did James want?

Nothing don't worry about it.


I look at James still curious.

The note hits my desk again.

If it's makes you feel better you're not showing at all.

I look down at my stomach and for the fiftieth time that day scrunch up the sweater on the bottom so you can't see the small bump of my stomach. It was cold today, so I'm wearing a sweater and pants.


Yes I am, my stomach was flat before.

You're stomach looks the same as most other girls.

I grumble under my breath.

"Ms. Mathews is there something you want to say?"

Mrs. I correct in my head.

"No." I smile sweetly.

She turns back to her lesson. How did she know i'm in the middle of the room and this room is huge.

Dear Maggie, I love you. (Maggie and Jake; story 2 of 3)Where stories live. Discover now