Another Loss

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*James' POV*

"It's not as hard as loosing Mandi." I say enraged. "You have to realize that we lost another person while in battle! Two people are broken because of the event. You need to start acting like you care or you can just go away." Jerome said, he too was enraged. Probably because of me, but I ignored him. "Mandi is a teenager! That's surely hard to let go!" I responded. "Yet she means more to you! Adam means more to Sarah and Ty, and that's why it's so hard for them to let go. But you have to seem to make you matter in the world that they're living in right now! Learn to respect others, now you can go. I had enough time to talk to you." he said while turning away from me. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the light emitting from the camp just a few feet away from me.

"Heard you and Jerome yelling, what was that all about?" Mitch asked as I sat down. "Nothing..." I murmured. "Well it had to be something. You two were literally yelling." he said back, a bit stern. "Just don't worry about it." I said looking over me. "Ok, I won't." he said back. I sighed, we were supposed to be back by now...why haven't we? We defeated Herobrine, that was our task wasn't it? Surely his armada has fade away since they have no leader. Maybe it just takes some time. I leaned back and relaxed a bit. Closing my eyes and letting the wind cool me down. I was thinking of my bed when I got back, my family. My god my family, how would they react to me being asleep for such a long time, not even taking one living moment to go and say "Good morning". But when I wake, there'll be one hell of a story to tell. They'll think it's just an ordinary dream, since I'm on here for such a long amount of time. But I'll know it's true.

You'll see them again...

My eyes shot open and I sat back up. "Whoa! Calm down! You ok?" Mitch said with his hands in front of him. I heavily breathed, the thought came out of nowhere. And the voice was completely different. "Y-yea...I'm fine." I gulped. What did that mean? Who will I see again? And when? I shook my head and didn't think about it.

"What happened...?" Sarah said as she came out of her tent, finally. You could see tear streaks on her face from crying so much. I could relate. "N-nothing...its fine. Don't worry about it Sarah." I stammered. "It doesn't look like anything is fine. Something happened and I would like to know what it is." She said a bit sternly. "Really, it was nothing Sarah." "Then why did you react so vigorously?" "Just shock." "Then it's something! Please tell me, I'll be able to figure out what's happening." She said, on the verge to yelling. I sighed, "Are you sure you'll be able to figure out what's happening?"

"I am completely sure James." she said with a slight smile. "A said that 'You'll see them again'" I spat out. "See who?" Sarah asked. I shrugged, "That's what I'm trying to figure out.". "It could be anyone." Mitch interrupted. "That's true...but it couldn't be someone that's dead...maybe it's someone that we haven't seen in a while. Such as an aunt or an uncle." I responded. "Let's just worry about it in the morning." Mitch yawned. The contagion spread the air, causing me to yawn as well. "Yea, I think we need to head to bed..night guys." I said while crawling to my tent. I curled the covers and I turn to what was an empty spot, where Mandi used to lie and sleep...I miss her...

*Ty's POV*

My depression was back, my face cold from the tears I cried. I just lied there, not moving at all, not making any sounds. I held my covers tightly, in anger and in sadness of what happened. I was turned away from where Adam used to sleep. Only for a purpose, so I don't cry about him anymore. I kept his amulet and glasses, the only thing I have about him. The purple light from the amulet glowed and filled the darkness, making feel not by much, but a bit more comfortable. Like he was there still. "I just want to say goodbye...just that one see his face one more time." I whispered to myself. I curled up in a ball in the tent and went to sleep.

My eyes shoot open, darkness...thats all I see. Adam's amulet not his glasses were by me. I'm laying on hard and cold floor. I slowly get up and look around me. I walk around to get familiar with my surroundings. Then I see a figure, it too was lied on the floor, unconsious. I ran towards it to see if it was still alive, and to see who it was. It had long brown hair, a yellow t shirt, short jeans, and magenta tennis shoes. It was then that I figured out it was Sarah and I ran a bit faster. I was out of breath, I breathed heavily as I knelt behind her and shook her softly. "Sarah come on get up..." I said. She wouldn't move, not even a toss or turn. I shook her a bit harder, still didn't work. I sighed and picked her up, and brought her with me. Echoes could be heard by my steps and her snoring. I smiled slightly, she reminds me so much of Adam. I miss him so much. I snapped out of it and kept trekking on, going into god knows what. I lifted the hair off of the right side of my face, and a bright red glow emitted from the both of my eyes. Making it a bit better to see everything. I walked for what seemed like an endless amount of time, not knowing where I was going, and not knowing how I was going to get out. I sat Sarah down and sat down. "This is just turning out horrible. I can't find our way out of here, looks like we'll be here for a while." I whispered as I slumped my head down. I let out a deep sigh of frustration and just sat there. Until I heard a small jingle of what sounded like a bell. I shot my head up and looked around, a small white light floated around. I picked Sarah up and walked towards it, the glow...was comforting...

I could feel the warmth of it. The small light making a whole lot better glow than my eyes could do. It suddenly started to enlarge, not making a bigger light, but making to what seemed to look like a person. The light then exploded and before I knew it, I was knocked out.

My eyes fluttered open, I was back in reality. The press of the bed on my back, and the cool weight of the blanket above me. I lifted the covers over me and got out of bed. I hesitated to open the door, did everyone forget about Adam and did it leave the memory of him stuck in my head? I shook my head and opened the door, the first thing I did was check Sarah's room. I slowly opened the door, "Hey..." I said softly. She sat at the side of her bed, in her pajamas and her bed head. "Hey." she sniffled. I walked in and closed the door and sat next to her. "Something's happen for a reason..I guess there was a reason to Adam's death. But we have to move on, we can't go on just like this for the rest of our lives. I know how it feels, but we can go through this, I promise." I said softly. She suddenly hugged me tightly, and I felt her tears on me. I hugged back for comfort, it's going to be hard, but we can go through this. "Hey, how about I make some pancakes?" I said to cheer her up. She nodded and let go of me so that I could go down stairs. I walked out of the room and fairly went down the stairs, there must've been something on the stairs, and I tripped.

But I didn't get hurt, I was actually held up by someone. "Whoa, what's the rush?" I heard someone say. I looked up to who held me from falling, then immediately started crying tears of joy. "ADAM!" I yelled as I hugged him tightly. "Ty!" he yelled back and started giggling. "I thought you died..." I said between tears. "Me too too..."

(A/N YES THE END!! Adam is back to life and yes that goes for Mandi, John, and guess who else? I WONT SAY BUT YOU CAN GUESS FOR YOURSELF!! But you can find out in BOOK 3!!! The final book!! If this chapter gets five votes then I'll do a book 3! Thanks so much for the support the series has gotten! Stay Gold!)

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