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*James' POV*

"DAMNIT!!" I yelled. One of my favorite youtubers just smacked into a tree. I told her to watch out but she didn't see until the last minute. I couldn't tell how much health she had, but I bet it was low. The other player held a sword and was getting closer, I had to help Sarah in some way. I picked her up and carried her the rest of the way. I had to, I couldn't just let her die. I ran as fast as I could to get to the shelter. I followed the cobblestone trail that led me to my house. I could see it in the distance, Just like I left it I thought. I kicked open the door once I got to it. I crafted a new door and placed it and in front of it two obsidian blocks. Damn, why was that player chasing us? I was out of breath, I set Sarah down on my bed. I'll wait until she wakes up to go mining for iron. I looked in my chest to see if I had any other pickaxe that she could use. I saw a fairly decent iron pickaxe that had a little durability taken, but it was good. I took it out and set it down on my crafting table. I wish I could watch Skydoesminecraft while I wait, oh well.

I heard moaning to the right of me, Sarah was awake. "What...where the hell am I?" she said holding her head up. "You're awake! Oh thank god, Umm how much health do you have?" I asked relived. "Um four and a half hearts." she said looking down at the floor. I checked my inventory and I had two porkchops. "Here." I said while handing her the porkchops. "Thanks, I'll pay back." she said while munching on the pork. "You don't have to." I responded. "Ok then. Are you a fan of Sky and Ty at all?" she asked as she walked towards me. "Hell yea! I watch their vids as much as I watch yours." I responded awaiting for a laugh or giggle. She giggled a bit, YUS!! "Well, I can see if they can meet you." she said quietly with a smirk. My mouth widened, of course I wanted to meet them! "THANK YOU!!!!" I yelled. She smiled and laughed. "Well we'd better get going, I don't want to mine at night. That's just death asking to happen." I said. "Can't we just respawn?" she asked worried. I shook my head, "We're in hardcore mode, if we die we never come back..." I said quietly. She looked away in fear, "So, you're saying..." she stammered. I nodded and got up to grab my diamond pickaxe to mine the obsidian that I placed before. "There is an iron pic on the crafting table." I said pointing to it. She walked slowly to it and once she got to it she swung it in the air. "DUN DUN DUN DUN!!!" she sung to the Zelda thing. I laughed and she laughed back. "Come on, you want diamonds don't you?" I said as a joke. "Yea yea I'm coming..." she said back. There was a ravine next to my house, it had a lot of resources couldn't wait to get down there.

*Ty's POV*

Damn, it's still raining. "You know what Ty? With all this rain, it's giving my the creeps." Adam said. "Why do you think that?" I responded. "Well, you know that I have a trouble with certain animals that quite literally live in the water. I've never had this trouble in reality because they can't get to me there, but here, there's going to be some troubles." he said. I rolled my eyes and walked faster. We reached a lake or pond, what ever you want to call it, and I heard a faint sound, no voice. "Ima squid!" it chanted. I looked over to Adam who seemed like he didn't notice the sound. Then I heard another voice, "Get off of me!". I turned around and ran to the pond. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Adam yelled. Before I could respond I plunged into the pond. I was looking for who ever was there before. I saw a dark figure, it was flowing down. I grabbed his/her arm and pulled it up with me. I grasped for air once I reached the surface, so did she. "What the hell happened?" she asked. "I'm guessing you got attacked by something and it made you go into the water." I responded. Adam was right behind me. "You ok?" he asked while putting his hand out to help us. "Yea I think so..." the girl responded. I let her get out first. Then I pulled myself out. "Adam, Ty, you know who I am right?" she asked. "Are we supposed to?" Adam asked. "I can't find Jerome and Mitch..." she coughed. "Why do you need to find...oh hey Audrey..." Adam said quietly.

*Sarah's POV*

I'm glad that I met James, he's really an awesome guy. He actually helped me when I hit into a tree knocking me out. Usually, the only people who would do that for me would be John and my family, everybody else could care less. Me and James were in the ravine, we had to take cautious steps as we descended. "I see diamonds!" James yelled. "Where? I don't see any!" I yelled back. He pointed across where we were. "Over there!" he said in cheer. I looked over to where he was pointing, and there they were. They glowed as I pointed my torch towards them. "Come on! I'll take all the diamonds if you don't come!" James said as he was placing cobblestone blocks to get over.

I waited until he got over, the cobblestone bridge was narrow and I didn't want the both of us to fall into the lava below us. I walked slowly across the bridge, step by step. "SARAH WATCH OUT!!" James yelled. An arrow wizzed past me, causing me to fall off the bridge, luckily I caught the side of the bridge. "James could you help me out here? James? JAMES?!" I yelled. I heard footsteps, I hoped it was James, like he said, we're in hardcore mode, if somebody dies they don't come back. "Well, I haven't talked to you in a while..." I heard a familiar voice. "Who's there?! Is James ok?!" I asked frantically. A figure walked towards me and was now above me. I could see who it was. " James ok..." I asked. "Do you know how perfect it'll be to just kill you right here right now?" he said. "I wouldn't try that if I were you... I've gained more than I did before..." I said, assuming he knew what I meant. He pulled out an iron sword and poisitioned it to my chest. "This is the end..." he said with a smirk.

O MA GAH CLIFFHANGER!!!!!! So, what do you guys think of book 2? I wantz to know! This is just awesome for meh thanks so much! Luv u all!

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