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*Adam's POV* (it's short :/)

I woke up, awake more than usual. I took a glance around me, everyone is still asleep. 'Might as well go and get some food, we don't have much left.' I thought to myself as I got up from my "bed". I checked my inventory to check if I still had my sword, damnit low durability. I only had a few hits left on it. I guess while I'm out, I could get some wood and make another sword and pickaxe.

I had some torches left, so I could make a trail, that way I can find my way back to camp. As I walk, I place them down, about six or seven blocks away from the previous one. "Is there a pig or cow anywhere?" I say quietly to myself. Just as I said that, I saw a dark figure in the distance. "Finally..." I take out my sword and walk slowly towards the figure. It wasn't moving, maybe it was a sheep eating some grass. 'We need wool anyways...' I thought. I took out some shears that James gave to me before we headed out. I kept my walking speed to a minimum and crept ever so slightly to the figure. I got a bit closer and I noticed that it was laid down on the ground. 'It might be sleeping, it's still early.' I thought assuring myself. I could see it completely now, and I thought it couldn't be true. It was a player, in a tux, brown hair seeped through the openings of the suit. "J-Jerome? Jerome!" I stammered as I tried to shake him awake. 'Why isn't he waking up?! Could he be? N-no he can't, he just can't' I thought reassuring myself. There was only one other way of getting him back to camp. I slung his arm around my shoulder and walked him back. 'Please be alive...'

*Mitch's POV*

When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was a trail of light. I looked around me to find that Adam was gone. I quickly got up and shook Seto awake. "What?! It's really early, we need the sleep. Let me get some please..." he said in a groggily voice. "Sleep isn't the best thing at the time, Adam is gone." I whispered. "Wait...what?!" he yelled, which woke everyone up. "What the hell Seto?!" Ian yelled. "For the love of... we need everyone awake anyways. Pack up camp, we're" Seto commanded. I moved away from Seto and went to where I slept. I picked up the two pieces of carpet. That's how we sleep, we don't have enough wool for beds, and we don't have the time. "Wait, do you guys see that?" Hanna said quietly. I look to where she's looking and I see somebody following the trail of torches, and coming towards us. I walked a bit closer to the trail and I see Adam, helping Jerome get to us. "ADAM!! JEROME!!" I yelled, tears filling my eyes to finally see my love. "Guys, Jerome needs help. I don't know how much health he has." Adam says as he walks slowly towards us. I ran over to him and grab Jerome, I carry him bridal style and walk him over to the camp. I lay him down on the ground, "Does anyone have food?" I asked, awaiting for a response. "I have some pork, will that help?" Mandi said as she gave it to me. "That'll do perfectly." I thanked as I turn back to Jerome. She gave me five cooked pork, that should be good. I propped Jerome's head up and fed him the food. I suddenly hear an 'Awwww' as I give him the food. But I didn't care, we were married anyways. Once I finished, I turned around to see who made something simple to something a bit extreme. Adam was blushing, his cheeks were puffed from trying not to laugh. "I knew it was you dood." I glared at him, the death stare. He flung his hands up and started laughing uncontrollably. He fell flat on his ass from laughing. "I-I CANT STAHP!!!! HALP MEH!!!!!" he yelled while laughing. "Hey, you would've done the same for Ty, am I correct?" "Hey! That's different!" "In what way?" "That's Ty, and that's you and Jerome." Adam responded while getting up. I rolled my eyes and got back to Jerome. "Where did you find him?" I asked as I studied Jerome. "While I was looking for food, I saw him knocked out in the middle of nowhere. So I brought him back here, hoping he's still alive. But he's breathing, so I think that he should be fine." Adam explained. "Come on Jerome. Wake up, please wake up. Don't do this to me Biggums, please don't do this to me." I pleaded, as tears filled my eyes. I paused, studying Jerome for any sign of him waking up. "Jerome, stay with me buddy. I know you can. Come on, wake up, wake up damnit. Wake up!!" I yelled as a river of tears streamed from me. "Here, this should help." Seto said as he handed me a potion. I looked at him, tears still coming down my face, "What kind of potion is this?" I asked. "Potion of Healing. It should work wonders.". I turned back to Jerome and propped his head up, once again. I popped the cork off the bottle and poured it in Jerome's mouth. After that, his eyes popped open, he was coughing uncontrollably. "What...the fuck....happened...?!" Jerome asked as he breathed from coughing so much. I simply responded with a kiss. We pulled back and I quickly hugged him. "God, I'm glad that you're fucking back." I spat out crying. Then I felt somebody jump on top of me. It was Audrey, I could feel her warm tears on my back. We got up and started our journey once again, but this time it was different, Jerome was there, and I was happy. I had my family back, that's great, now it's Adam's turn.

*Sarah's POV*

"Ty, heat up the bars, I think we can do this." I whispered. "Alright." he whispered back as he placed his hand on the bars. He stepped back and shook his hand, he burnt it again. I softly placed mine onto his burnt one and quickly healed it. "Ok, now rip it from the ground." he whispered while smiling. I focused on the bar, imagined it getting ripped from the ground. Then I put strength into getting it out. 'Come on...come on...' I thought in my head. Pressure was on, if I got this out, then it would be a miracle. I suddenly heard a hard metallic cling. "No way..." I said reassuring myself. "You did it!" Ty whispered/yelled. My eyes widened, this couldn't be. I did this. "Come on, let's get out of here!" Ty said as he crawled through the bars. I shook my head and followed. "Sarah?! How did you get out?" I heard a familiar voice say. I look over my shoulder to see that Nathan was locked in a cell next to ours. "Oh my god! How did you end up here?" I whispered as I opened the door. "H-he summoned me here. But I refused to join him, so he locked me here until I changed my answer." he said as I hugged him. (not like that, he's like a brother to her) "You mean Herobrine? He summoned you?" I said. He nodded and we pulled away. "It's ok, but right now we need to get out of here." I explained. He nodded and we left the cell. Ty was waiting for us outside the cell, with a big smile on his face. "Alright, let's go." He said as he walked towards a opening. "Hold on, I reconize this place." Ty said, pausing. "What do you mean?" "This is the cops and robbers 2.0 map. I remember this place inside out." he said quietly. I slowly started to remember. "Holy shit I remember this place too." I said quietly. As we walked to the doorway to the hallway, I sensed something. Just then I had a quick vision.

~Sarah's Vision~

This vision was blurred a bit, but I could tell what was going on. I couldn't see anybody, but the thing that I did see was a force field. Blocking the way to the entrance to the hallway. I saw a figure walk up to it, then sparks flew as the figure was flung back. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. It was a vision after all. I couldn't do anything, so I just stood there as the figure laid there in pain, struggling to get up.

~Vision Over~

My eyes opened quickly, I saw that Ty was closer to the entrance than the both of us. "TY DONT WALK OVER THER-" is all I could get out, as I saw him being flung away from the entrance.

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