Is he d-dead?

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*Sarah's POV*

"TY!!" I yelled as I saw him flung from the hallway. I ran up to him, his body was laid down on the chiseled stone below. "OH MY GOD!!! OHMYGOD!!" I yelled as tears started to form in my eyes. "Calm down! Just calm down!" Nathan yelled as he ran over to us. "I can't calm down! Can't you see what just happened?! He might be dead!" I responded, totally panicking. "Wait. Can't you just heal him?" Nathan asked. I nearly facepalmed, I guess I was panicking too much. I let out a deep sigh, which calmed me down a bit. I placed my hand gently on Ty and let the powers take control. Once I finished, I removed my hand slowly. He just laid there, he breathed, but he was completely motionless. We couldn't just stay here in the middle of this prison, "Nathan, I'm going to need you to help me.". Nathan nodded, "What do you need help with?" "I know this is going to sound weird, but it'll get us all out of this hell." "Alright, what's the plan?" "Ok, we're going to need to carry Ty, he won't get up. Although he's healed, he's completely unconscious." I explained. He nodded and helped me carry Ty, he put Ty's arm around his shoulders. I did the same with the other. 'Don't worry Ty, we'll get you out of here.' I thought. Wait, if there's a force field there then how are we going to get out? Damnit, we're stuck here. We can't do anything. "Nathan..." "Yea?" "Bring Ty to a cell. We aren't going anywhere with that force field in our way." Nathan nodded and he helped me bring Ty to a cell. I sat next to Ty, making sure when he wakes up that he'll know not to go over by the entrance. I just hope that somebody is coming. We'll be out of here, and we can live a normal life.

*Adam's POV*

"Anybody see what I see?" I heard James ask. I looked to where he was pointing. A small towering building was merely maybe five miles away. "Do you think?" James asked in awe. "It may be, just in case, keep your weapons on hold." Seto commanded as he put his hand on his sword. Everyone responded with a nod and kept walking. As we walked I could here the light crunch of the grass, if we weren't so tired, it would be a rapid noise. I don't know how many hours we've been walking, but it seems like we walked enough today. "Before we go there, we need to set up camp. It's pretty far away and it would probably take the rest of the day. If we took the time to walk over there, mobs would spawn, then we would be screwed if it was already Herobrine's castle." I suggested. "You know, it would be better if we did walk there. It may not be his castle anyways. Even if it was, mobs wouldn't spawn in there. It would be a disadvantage to him if they did spawn there. He knows better Adam." Seto said strickly, his voice rasing a little bit. "Seto, I'm just saying it would be great if we got some rest before we fight." I responded. "You know what Adam? You're not the only one that's tired. I just want to get this over with so that we could live our normal lives. So I'm thinking that if we just go there and get this over with, then we could get back to our normal lives." he said, his tone sounding angry and annoyed. "We could be killed if we go there now! Don't you understand? We would loose everyone and then we would've doomed the whole world. We were sent here for a reason and if we fail, we wouldn't just loose our loved ones, but everyone in the world! And it would be our fault for listening to you in the first place. Now man up and set up the fucking camp."

He sighed and rolled his eyes. Everybody else was silent, as they set up camp. I set up the fire and my 'bed'. Damnit come on....light damnit! I wish Ty was here. I thought, which nearly made me cry. I held my tears back as I tried to light the fire. "Need any help?" Audrey asked quietly. "Yea, that would be great for our survival." I responded. She stepped in front of me and simply let a flame fall from her hand, and the fire vigrously lit. "That should last for the night." She said as she walked away from the fire. Damn, let's just hope that this doesn't get anyone's attention. I just jinxed myself. Well I think I did anyways. The smoke from the fire rose above the trees, it made me paranoid that someone would notice it and come here. "Anyone have food?" Mandi asked. I shook my head, "I'm all out.". "Anyone else?" she asked, worry was in her voice. "I have a cooked porkchop left." Mitch said while handing it to her. "Thanks." she said. Her fangs extended from her mouth, which honestly made me cringe, then she sank them into the meat. The pork shriveled up and quickly went to dust. "Damn, not much blood in there." she said disappointed. "It was cooked anyways." James said. She shrugged, "I would expect some blood in there.". I shrugged and headed to where I put my 'bed' and laid my head down and slowly closed my eyes. "Adam! It's your turn to stay up." Jerome said. "Ugh, really?" I sighed. I quickly sat up and brought my sword close to me. "G'night buddy." Jerome said as he laid down. "Night." I whispered. I stood up and walked around, seeing if any mobs were coming for us at any direction. I heard the deep groan of zombies, and the click of the skeletons bones mashing against each other. I also heard the light gurgle of the Endermen as they passed by. Don't look at them just don't look at them. I chanted in my head. As time went by, the atmosphere got colder. The fire was going down, which really didn't help with the cold anyways. I sat down near the dying fire and rubbed my hands together. Damn, why is it so cold? I thought. I hugged my knees and thought that would give me extra heat. I was practically shivering now, if Ty saw me like this, he would hug me for warmth. But Ty isn't here, I miss him so much. I put my head between my knees and started tearing up. I want him back, all I want is him and Sarah. Why them instead of me? Please let them be safe, I just want them to be safe and in my grasp. I thought. I cried to myself, giving myself comfort. Nobody else was awake, I wouldn't want to wake them up anyways. I'd hate it if they saw me like this. I raised my head slowly and whipped the tears from my eyes. I need them back.

(OH MAH GA!!! DA CLIFFHANGEH!!! So, if you guys don't already follow me on twitter and Instagram, then you probably don't know that we hit 3000 reads on Escaping Reality. That's a huge number and I couldn't thank you enough for such a milestone. So to say thank you, I'll be posting a book of one shots sooner or later. But anyways Goldeens, that's all I have for today and I'm sorry that this didn't come earlier. But as always, thanks for reading ;))

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