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Ok so before I start I want to thank you guys so much for giving me all the support. I know I've said this many times and it has probably lost it's meaning, but I really am thankful that people would actually read my content. On Escaping Reality we hit 2K reads a couple days ago, and after we hit 1K a couple weeks ago. That's what I call awesome. I've never would've made this far if it wasn't for you guys, hell, five books have me or is going to have me as a main character in others books. That's just amazing, I've never thought I could make it this far in my life. You guys really changed my life, and I thank each and everyone of you that is reading this. Much love, and let's continue, shall we?

*Adam's POV*

"Mitch is still out there..." Sarah whispered. I looked towards Jerome, his eyes widened, as did his mouth. "Really? You can't be kidding with me." he said quietly. She nodded her head, "I'm not kidding..." she said. "What time is it?" Audrey said behind us. Mandi got up from her seat and pounced on Audrey. "Goodmorning to you too!" Audrey spat out. "Yay! You're awake finally!" Mandi cheered. I laughed a bit and got up. "Well, if this task is meant for us then we need to go." I exclaimed. I heard someone talk in my head at that moment, We need to go now if we're going to make progress I could tell it was Sarah. 'I know' I mouthed. She nodded and went outside.

Jerome came up to me, a diamond axe in his hand. "When do we set off?" he said. "When everyone's awake, it'll probably be a while." I said. All of a sudden, a crack of lightning went off, which woke everyone up. A frightening and high pitch scream came from outside. "SARAH!!!" Ty yelled, still sleepy. We all ran outside with weapons, we didn't have armor yet. "Herobrine..." I whispered. He was levitating with Sarah in his arms, holding a diamond sword to her neck. Right behind him he had an army, of hybrid...squids? They where human but one side of their face had a derpy eye. Tentacles came out from their backs, swords in each tentacle and hand. They could breathe air, or they wouldn't be here. I'm assuming that they could breathe water too, I'm not taking it into consideration though.

"I've been waiting, it's been worth while. Now, are you cowards or are you going to attack?" Herobrine frowned. I ran towards him to attack, but I was knocked down by the horrid hybrids. "Do you think it'll be that easy?!" he sneered. "COME ON!!! ATTACK!!!" I yelled.

*Ty's POV*

I was frozen in shock. I couldn't move as the others passed by me, my mouth was open wide. Squid hybrids, Herobrine, this couldn't be right. "Ty! Come on! If you want your daughter back!" Jerome yelled. I snapped out of shock and ran over to attack one of the hybrids. This wasn't a small battle, this was a war.

I slashed many hybrids. All fell to the ground, this was huge. I nearly forgot about Adam, he was piled still with those horrid things. I pushed them off of him and I put out my hand so that I could help him up. "Thanks" he said, grasping for air. "Yea, you're welcome." I said back. "HE'S GOING AWAY!!!" Mandi yelled. "WHO IS?!" Adam yelled. I turned over and I could see Herobrine far away, nearly out of my render distance.

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