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*Adam's POV*

I woke with a raging pain in my back. I lost five hearts for some reason. I managed to get up from my bed, "Ty, Jerome, Audrey, is anyone here?" I said. I checked everywhere around the house, I saw a sign in the kitchen. We went to get food, we'll be back soon! It said. We had plenty of food, why would we need more? I shook my head and grabbed some butter to make some armor and a sword. As I was crafting, I heard the door fly open. Being me, I grabbed my sword and hid, thinking that someone was going to kill me.

I ran upstairs and hid in a room. My back facing a wall. I heard footsteps getting closer and closer to me, I was sweating, what if they found me? I held a tight grip around my sword, ready to attack when I needed to. The door slid open slowly. When the door was fully open I screeched. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!! DONT HURT ME!!! HEKDBSKSJSNKDNSMDKSN!!!!" I screamed. "Adam...what the fuck..." I opened my eyes, that were tightly closed in fear. It was Mitch, "Oh...umm sorry about that..." I said quietly while rubbing my head. He laughed and ran downstairs, while I sat in that room for a while. That was scary, I've never felt that scared before in my life. I never want to feel that way again, especially in this world, in hardcore mode.

I finally had the confidence to got downstairs. Once I got down, I saw James and Mandi, I'm guessing that they found Mitch and brought them here. "Hey, what's up?" James asked as I came downstairs. I shrugged, "I can't find anybody anywhere, and I don't remember what happened earlier. I just woke up with a pain in my back." I said. Everyone just nodded, I felt like collapsing. My back hurts really bad, I checked one of the chests that we had to see if we had any potions that I could use. Damnit, nothing. "What are trying to look for Adam?" James asked, worried. "Potions, got any?" I asked in pain. He rummaged through all the chests, he shook his head signaling that there wasn't any. Damnit I thought. "Adam! Watch your language! Seriously I'm only 11!" Mandi yelled. "I didn't say anything." I responded with a confused look. Her eyes widened, "But I thought I heard you say something. Didn't you?" she said nervously. "Adam is right, he didn't say anything." Mitch said sternly. She paused for a moment, "Fine, don't call me a freak after this ok?" Mandi commanded. "Ok." I said while putting my hands, well nubs, up. "Good. Ok, so you're probably going to think I'm an idiot. But bare with me, I'm a vampire. Now, before you freak out, I don't drink human blood, I drink animal blood. I wouldn't dare hurt a human. Anyways, I'm not 11, I'm a young vampire about 14 years of age. We live forever, unless something really threatening happens to us. Such as garlic, I hate the stuff. Ever since I was turned, I've lived on my own. Until some people found me and nursed me to health. I also have pshycic powers, that's how I read Adam's mind. Again my bad. But yea, please don't consider me a threat." She explained. My mouth was open wide. Damn, now we have another person with powers.

*Jerome's POV*

Audrey wanted to show me something. I don't know what it was, but it seemed important. "Do you think we're far enough?" I asked. Audrey shook her head. "We need to be really far away for this." She said in a low voice. I shrugged, damn why did I make my Minecraft character have a tux? It's so uncomfortable. Ugh, why am I even worrying about this? We need to get back, Adam is probably helpless right now. "Look, we need to head back. Adam is probably in serious pain right now." I said while turning around. Then my body locked up, I couldn't move. "You need to come with me. Or it'll be the death of you." Audrey said, her voice dark and low. I lost control of my body, I started to walk where she was going. I tried to move anything, I couldn't even make my arm move. "Audrey, what are you doing?!" I yelled. No response. "Audrey!" again, no response. I tried to struggle out of the control that I'm in.

Then my body loosened up, I was thrown in this castle. Two guards grabbed me by the arms, their grip was strong. I couldn't get out of their grasp. "WHERE THE HELL AM I?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY DAUGHTER?! I DEMAND ANSWERS!" I yelled. No response, damn. I was put into this huge room, guards surrounding every corner. No escape at all. I was doomed here, I might die here, I might cause everyone to die. God damn, why am I here? "Get me out of here! I need to see my daughter for the last time if I'm going to die here!" I yelled. I felt somebody hit me in the back of my head. Then everything went black.

*Mandi's POV*

I just wanted to run away again. I should've never told them anything. We were in a deep silence, nobody said a thing after what I said. I finally just got out of the room, embarrassed. I never wanted to tell another human after this. I walked upstairs to go to a room where I could be in complete isolation. James followed me, "Hey, you ok?" he asked. "Yea, it's just that you must think I'm a total freak right now." I said in response. "I think it's unique." he said. I blushed a bit. "Well that's one way to put it." I said quietly. "I'm serious, that's unique." he said with a smile. My face was probably all red by now. "It's just that, everyone I told either freaked out or called me a freak. Nobody has called it unique." I said. I walked into a room that was completely empty. I sat in the middle of the floor, as did James. I covered my face and leaned back, stress again consumed me. "Is there anything else I need to know about you?" James asked out of the blue. "Yea, don't piss off a vampire, they'll kill you if they get the chance." I said. He uncovered my face, "Would this piss you off?" he said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed, he was the first guy to ever do that to me. "No, not at all." I said quietly.

The Other Reality (skylox book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora