Idk what to call this chapter

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*Ty's POV*

Sarah and I kept on whispering to each other, I couldn't go back to sleep after that nightmare. I looked up at the ceiling, just hoping that someone would find us. "Aw shit." I heard someone whisper. My head whipped towards Sarah. "What did you say?!" I whispered in dissapointment. "I didn't say anything..." Sarah said with a confused face. I got up slowly, grunting in pain as I do. "Ty, what are you doing?! Sit down, you're going to hurt yourself even more!" Sarah yelled/whispered. But I didn't listen, I wanted to know who or what said that. To be honest, I kinda shook in fear, worried of who I'd see, and if they would attack me. Causing Sarah and her friend to be in deep shit.

I went over by the barred window, just to check if anyone was there. I slightly peered out the window, studying the surroundings closely. I squinted my eyes, just to see if anyone was in the distance. "I don't see-" I fell backwards in shock. A shadowy figure floated up to the window, with two small purple lights at each of it's sides. "Ty! Are you ok?!" Sarah yelled while running to the side of me. "Wait....SARAH, TY!!!" I heard a voice yell.

All of the sudden, the barred window broke open, and the shadowy figure was visable. "There's no way..." I mumbled. Adam crawled through the window and ran quickly to me. "I thought I would never see you again!" he yelled as he pulled me in his arms. I put my arms around his waist and started crying. "I didn't think so either." I said while crying. He pulled back and simply replied with a strong kiss. I kissed back with relief, knowing that he actually came for me after what I done to him. I'll never forgive myself after that.

"Well, are you guys just going to keep on kissing, or are we going to leave before Herobrine sees us?" I heard Mitch say in his canadian sarcastic voice. I pulled back in shock. "Mitch is here too?!" I questioned in shock. "Yea...Mandi and James found him while they were walking in the woods." Adam said with a smile. I missed his handsome smile. "Well, are you coming or not?!" Mitch said, sounding annoyed. I shrugged and got up slowly. Same for Adam and Sarah. Me and Adam walked over to the window, and he helped me up and out of the prison. I'm guessing that either Sarah or Adam woke up Nathan, but he came next. He rubbed his eyes once he got out. "It feels nice to finally be out of there." he said, tired in his voice. I slightly smiled, I felt the same way actually. Finally fresh air and an endless world to travel. Speaking of which, who guided Adam and Mitch here? How did they know we'd be in this specific spot in the world? I thought more about it until both Sarah and Adam were out. "Alright, let's head back to camp, hopefully in the morning we can defeat Herobrine." Mitch said while sprinting. The rest of us did the same, except for me. I was still in pain from earlier. Adam soon fell back from the others to check on me, "Are you ok? You don't look too good."

"Yea, I'm fine. I'll just take a little while to catch up with you guys, that's all." I said as I kept moving slowly on. "I'm not going to let you hurt this much." Adam said as he quickly picked me up bridal style. "I don't like to see you hurt." he mumbed as he kissed my forehead. I slightly blushed and melted into his arms as he carried me.

-Next Day-

I woke up, finally next to the one that I love the most. I slowly got up, feeling a whole lot better than earlier. I looked around my surroundings to see that I'm at some sort of camp. Everyone was asleep, well from what I knew anyways. But from what I noticed, there were extra people. Such as Seto, most of the others I couldn't identify because either I didn't know them, or because of their minecraft skin.

I hear a faint scream, but the source is not far from where I am. I run to the soruce, hopefully the person is ok. I run faster as the screams are louder, and louder. But I stopped, my mouth dropped onto the ground from what I saw. I couldn't move, I just stood there in complete shock. What am I supposed to do?

*Adam's POV*

I yawned as I rubbed my eyes as I awake from my sleep. I turn over to my side to see if Ty was still there. I quickly got up looked around the camp, trying to see if there was any trace of him leaving. I slightly panic to see that he was no where in sight. "Ty! Can you hear me?!" I yelled as I looked through the dense forest. I push away branches and bushes as I run. Practically, I was going on another search for him. I just got him back and I lost him again. This can't be happening, it just can't. I think as I practically destroy the forest.

"Oh my God...Ty!" I yelled as I ran up to him, tears forming in my eyes. I hugged him from behind, "I thought I lost you again.". He didn't say anything, he just...stood there. "Ty, are you ok?" I asked, concerned. "L-look...' he said back as he pointed in front of him. I let go of his waist and walk around him. My eyes widened, as did my mouth as I saw what sight was before me. "W-what happened?!" I asked shocked. Mandi laid unconcious, blood pooling from her body. Scratches all over her face. "I heard her screaming...and I just ran towards the screaming...until I found her here.." he explained. I felt sick, I couldn't just stare at her, we needed to get her back to camp. "We need to get NOW!" I said as I picked her up carefully. Ty nodded and guided us back to camp.

Once we got back I set Mandi down and woke up everyone else up. "Oh my God!! What happened?!" Audrey yelled as she ran to Mandi's side. "I-I don't know..." Ty stammered. As the others talked I thought of how this could've happened. Then it hit me, it happened last night.

-Flash Back-

As we got back, everyone was asleep, including Jerome who should've been gaurding the camp. "Don't wake him up. We're fine for the night." Mitch said as he curled up next to Jerome. I shrugged and did the same with Ty. I soon drifted off into a deep sleep.

-Flash Back over-

"Mitch! You should've woke Jerome up and Mandi would've been fine! Mobs attacked her as we slept!" I yelled in realization. "I didn't mean to! I thought that the rest of the night would be fine! Plus you could've stood up and you could've protected us!" Mitch yelled back in anger. "So really its both of our faults!"

My face reddened in anger, he couldn't just blame me for taking his decision in the first place. But I didn't say anything back, it would just make everything worse.

I went back to Mandi, who was surrounded by the others. Audrey held back tears as she stared down at the lifeless body. "She's...gone..." Audrey spat out. She then broke out from the crowd and started sprinting away. Jerome tried to catch up to her as she ran, but the rest stayed back. "It's over...she's dead..."

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