Letting Go

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*Audrey's POV*

"Is it going to be finished in time?" I asked nervously. "This will take some time, the first time I did this it took a while." Seto said while working on the portal. "Wait, where is the first one you worked on?" I asked, we didn't have to go through anything like this. "Adam, Ty, And Sarah's house. Why do you ask?" he said in confusion. "We could just go there and help the others. You might want to bring the others." "It's still early, I don't want to wake them up if they are asleep." "THEY ARE TRAPPED IN A SLUMBER!!!" "Ok, ok, I'll wake up the others." Seto said as he ran towards their bedrooms.

He came back down with Hanna, Ian, Alec, and Abby (TheRocker). "Where's Nathan?" I asked nervously. "He won't wake up, he might be in there with them." Seto responded. It could be possible. I shook my head and teleported to Sarah's house. It feels so weird back in reality, I've been trapped in there to what seemed like days. Went it has only been hours, it creeps me out. I looked everywhere, trying to find some sort of machine that looks complex. As I looked, I saw Sarah, Adam, and Ty, sprawled out on their beds. Little knowledge that it was all a dream, or so it seems to be. "FOUND IT!!!" Seto yelled from across the house. It looked like a wardrobe, only no doors on each side of it, as for the buttons that laid out on the machine. I'm guessing they hid it, so no one would figure out that they had it. "Do you know how to work it?" Abby asked out of the blue. Seto nodded, "If I didn't know how to work it, then how did I make it?" he said sarcasticly. Abby rolled her eyes. Seto started mashing buttons, "Audrey, who hosted the server?" Seto asked. I know the real name of the guy, just not his gamer name. "Is it important?" I asked, of course it was, or he wouldn't be asking the question.

"Audrey, I need to know who hosted the server. Please, you have to remember." He pleaded. I paused, trying to remember his name. All of my friends and family's lives are at stake. "I-I don't remember..."

*Ty's POV* (.0. Ikr just stick with it)

Sarah fell asleep, well actually a while ago. Herobrine was nowhere to be seen, well from my prospective. I don't think anyone is going to come. I really don't think so, I'm the one who hurt everyone, especially Adam. Once Jerome finds out it was me that hurt him, he'll never consider me a friend, or part of his family. "Ouch..." I said quietly. Major heat hurt me, I don't get it though. Wouldn't Herobrine cast a spell so that we couldn't use our powers? My finger was lit in fire, the heat filled my body. It coursed through my veins. He must've not known that we had them, it was perfect. "Sarah, Sarah. C'mon wake up!" I said quietly as I shook her. Her eyes slightly opened, but then they quickly shut. "I DUN WANNA WAKE UP!!!" she yelled in a sleepy voice.

"C'mon, get up! I have a plan." I whispered, Herobrine could be anywhere, I don't want for him to hear this. "What...?" she responded in the same voice. All I did was held out my hand, a tiny flame lit. Her mouth gaped open. "H-how?" is all she could get out. I put it out and held my finger to my mouth, well nub. She nodded, "That's how...we'll get out...together..."

*Adam's POV*

We looked for any trace of anybody. "Wait, do you see that?" Mitch said with excitement. "What do you see?" Mandi asked. He started sprinting, "ITS THEM!!!" he yelled. I looked over to where he was sprinting, my eyes widened and my mouth gaped open. "TY!!! SARAH!!!" I yelled as I ran over to them. Their heads shot up and they stood in place. "Ty! Sarah! I'm so glad that I can see you!" I yelled as I hugged the both of them. They pushed me away, "Who are you?" Ty asked. My smile quickly turned to a frown, "I'm Adam, your fiancé and Sarah's other father." I responded in fear. "I'm afraid that we don't know you. You must've thought we're somebody else." Ty said with a smile. "No! You are who I think you are! You have to believe me!" I said, trying to hold back tears. I kissed Ty to make him remember, "W-what the hell was that?" he responded while wiping his mouth. "Please, believe me!" I yelled. I looked over to Sarah, she just stood there, totally oblivious to what's happening. "Ty...please..." I said quietly, tears streamed down my face. "I'm sorry...I really don't know who you are, and I'm sure that she doesn't either." he said as he looked over to Sarah. "Believe me...I'm begging...please Ty...please..." I pleaded. Tears came down harder from my face. This isn't true... I thought.

I heard a faint voice, it was calling my name. "Adam...Adam...Adam..." it chanted. No, this isn't true, it can't be. I thought, reassuring myself. "ADAM!!"

I jolted awake, James' hands on my shoulders. Everyone else surrounded me. "What the hell happened?" John asked. I took James' hands off me, "Nothing...it was just a nightmare...nothing serious." I said, grasping for air from shock. I was laid on a one by two carpet blanket, that laid on grass blocks, trees surrounded us all. I checked my inventory for food, I had two steaks left. I ate only one of them and got up from the ground. "Be right back." Mandi said as she ran over to something, she was a complete blur as she ran. Must be a vampire thing, I shrugged and went over to Mitch, "You feeling ok?". "Y-yea, just a little worried about Jerome and Audrey. What if we can't find them?" "I'm sure we will, don't worry about it." I reassured with a smile. He smiled back, then his head turned quickly to his right. "Don't you hear that?" he asked. I shrugged, "Hear what?". "Oh my god...AUDREY!!!"


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