What did I do?

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*Ty's POV*

Oh god, what have I done. I was frozen, I did this to him. I folded my wings back and ran to Adam. Tears slid down my face, I probably killed him. I checked his pulse, still going. He probably had half a heart left. I forgot that we were in hardcore mode. I lost control of myself, I'm a monster.

You aren't a monster... a voice said in my head. "What the hell...TY WHAT HAPPENED?!" Jerome screamed. I didn't want to tell him, he'll consider me a threat. "He passed out." I spat out, totally lying. "Wait, doesn't Audrey have a healing power?" I asked Jerome. "She might, go ask her." he said while walking over to Adam.

I ran towards the stairs, then ran up and pushed one of the doors open. "Audrey! I need you, please it's important!" I said. "He knew that you would do that..." she mumbled. Who was 'he'? "What do you mean?" I asked nervously. She paused, "Come on, I need you!" I said. I walked up to her, suddenly I was thrown to the wall. I fell on my knees, "Did you do that?!" I yelled. "No, he did." she said darkly. A figure came all of the sudden, his or her eyes glowed white, lighting up the dark room. "Hello." I jumped as soon as I realized who it was. "GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER AND GET AUDREY BACK TO NORMAL!!" I yelled. "Those are two complicated things that I really don't want to do, unless you do something for me." he sneered. I scolded, "I'll do anything.". "Fantastic, I'll give you back your daughter and I'll get this girl's mind back to normal, if you come with me." he said. I shivered, was he going to kill me? "And do what with me?" I asked, trying to act like I wasn't scared. "None of your concern." he said impatiently. I had no choice, "I'll go, also, heal Adam. Then I'll go." I commanded. "The deal was I'll give you your daughter back and this girl's mind back to normal. Nothing about your friend out there. You either take the deal or you'll leave it." he scolded.

I couldn't just leave my daughter! Damnit, I have to take the fucking deal. "Fine, I'll take the deal." I scolded. "Let the fun begin..." he smirked.

*James' POV* (haven't done this POV in a while)

We've been walking for what seemed like days. "Got any food?" Mandi asked to break a silence. I checked my inventory, I had two pork chops left. "Yea, here." I said while giving the left over pork to her. "Thanks, I was low on hunger." she said while eating the pork. "Welcome, so where do we go now? We have absolutely no path to follow." I said. "Anywhere I guess, go where you think we should go." she replied. She seemed a bit annoyed, I don't know why, it was probably because we were in the middle of nowhere.

I looked into the distance, then I saw a torch light. "Follow me." I said while sprinting. She followed, I could see the player clearer now. My eyes widened as I got closer. Could it be? "Mitch!" I yelled. His head turned towards me and Mandi. "Who are you? And how did you find Mandi?" he yelled back. As soon as I caught up with him, I told him everything. "You mean that Jerome and Audrey are perfectly fine?" he asked, tears filling his eyes. "Yes." I quickly responded. Tears streamed his face as he smiled. "Thank you for telling me this and for taking care of them." he said quietly. "We weren't planning on going back, but we can so that you can see them." I said, a smile on my face. His smile turned to a confused face. "What do you mean, you weren't planning on going back?" he asked sternly. "Look, Ty was being a little stubborn and yelled at everyone and saying it was everyone's fault for not getting Sarah back from Herobrine." I explained. "Well Ty can be stubborn at times. But that doesn't mean that you could just leave! You had to help, so this doesn't happen again." he said. I had to agree, he had a point. Just as long as Ty doesn't yell at anybody, then I'd go back.

*??? POV*

I'm still in this world, this cell. I'm trapped in this hell of a place. I could just teleport, no he'll kill her. I can't do anything, I'm completely paralyzed. "What the hell?" I heard a familiar voice come through the wall. I couldn't think of what I could say back. I didn't want for her to know that I'm here. From outside of my cell I heard a light poof of a teleport. Wait, Ty was with him? No, that can be anything but good. "This was the deal, you get your daughter back. Only not out of here, you'll be staying with her." Herobrine scolded. "Ty!" Sarah yelled from the cell next to mine. I wanted to get us all out of here, away from this hell hole. He threw Ty into the cell where Sarah was, then he came up to my cell. "Nathan, I want to tell you something." he said with a smirk. I bet he was going to tell me that I was his son, I already knew that. He told me about a million times. I hate him every time he says it too. "What do you want now?" I said sternly. "I want for you to become a part of my armada. We'll rule all of Minecraftia! It depends on your choice." he said. My eyes widened, the offer was so tempting. I could rule this server, maybe even the whole game. The offer was in front of me, how would there be any downsides? Wait, he'll probably torture everyone, and it would be my choice.

"I simply can't take that offer." I scolded. His smirk went to a frown. "Very well then." he said, walking away from me. I hope I made the right choice, if not then we're all screwed.

*Sarah's POV*

"Sarah, are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Ty asked, he kept me close. "I'm fine, what about you?" I responded. "I've been worried, and I really don't think anyone is going to come for us." He said quietly. "What do you mean?" I asked nervously. "I did something that I shouldn't have done..." he mumbled. A tear came down his face, he was hurt. "I-I hurt Adam, he was probably at half a heart. I wouldn't forgive myself if he'd died." Ty said. Fear filled me, I wanted to see Adam, I wanted to know if he was safe. I wondered why Ty would do something like that.

"Is he ok at least?" I asked. "I hope so, Audrey probably is healing him right now." he said while staring at the ground. His head turned quickly to me, then he suddenly hugged me. "I'm glad that you're safe though." he whispered. I blushed, before he became my dad I had a secret crush on him. But he's my dad now, and he's getting married hopefully. By what he told me Adam might not be too hot about that. "Me too Ty, me too." I said back. I hope we'll get out soon.

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