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*Sarah's POV*

We had a little ceremony for Mandi. Although she can't die from old age, she can surely die from someone or something attacking her. Audrey and Jerome haven't come back yet, but we waited for them before we went to the castle. Audrey seems pretty beaten up about this, don't get me wrong, I'm sure everyone is. It's just...she's more effected from Mandi's death.

We all just stood around Mandi's grave. We couldn't believe that she would die in such a brutal death, escecially since she's immortal, or used to be. Silence filled the air, not even mobs would make a sound. Creating a peaceful resting place for Mandi. I didn't know her much, but I still held back tears as I just stood there. "She was like a sister to me..." I mumbled as a tear rolled down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and make it seem that it never happened. Adam nudged me and said something in my head. Be strong... he said. I broke out in tears and ran off. The wind pressing against me as I do. I hid somewhere in the forest. I sat against a tree, and I hugged my legs and stuck my head between the gap of them, and started crying. This shouldn't have happened...none of this should.... I thought in my head. I kept crying to myself, I didn't care who or what came for me, I needed sometime to myself. "Sarah?! SARAH!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I heard someone yell. I didn't answer back, I didn't want anyone to find me like this...torn and heartbroken. "SARAH!!! PLEASE ANSWER ME!!!" the voice chanted again. I tried not to move or make any sound what so ever. I just sat there, covered in my own tears, in complete sorrow. "PLEASE SARAH!!!" the same fucking voice yelled. It was over, we should know this already. There's no going back from this. A teenage girl died and she can't come back...this isn't a fucking game anymore. "Sarah...please come's already hard enough that one of us is dead...I don't want the same to happen to you..." the voice sounded closer than before. I perked my head up a bit, and looked around me. "Please..." the voice said, darker and deeper than before. "I can offer you a deal. You just have to come out and come with me..."

I shivered, I barely reconized the person from earlier. "Come out damnit!" the person yelled as the ground quaked. I pressed my back against the tree as hard as I can, hoping he wouldn't find me. "Fine...if you won't come out..I'll make you come out." he swore. Oh please don't find me...please... I thought in fear. "Come out now...or I'll either hurt you, or one of your loved ones." he threatened. I couldn't risk another person getting hurt. I slowly got up and walked away from the tree I was at. "You said you wanted me, now what do you need." I sternly remarked. The person turned around and teleported just a few inches away from me. I stepped back, but the person grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer. "You're coming with me..." he said. "Let me go you asshole!" I yelled. He slapped me...hard. Straight across the face. "You will not call me that!" he yelled as he kneed me in the stomache. I coughed in pain, a little blood dropping out of my mouth afterwards. This is enough.

I quickly whipped my head up, and I used telekinesis to make him let go. Then I threw him against a tree. "STAY THE FUCK AWAY!" I yelled as I kept throwing him from tree to tree. "DON'T YOU EVER HURT ME OR MY FAMILY!!!!" I yelled as I finally let go of him. He teleported away, hopefully to be gone forever.

I limped my way back, my stomache hurting than the rest of my body. I coughed a bit, sending a little more blood to drip from my mouth. I shouldn't have left. I thought in regret. How would Adam and Ty react to this? Even worse, how would Seto react? Thoughts raced in my mind, leaving regret from my actions. But I didn't know this would've happened. I have visions sometimes, but not all the time. I can't force them to happen, that takes a lot of fucking training.

I grew weaker as I moved along in the dense forest, hoping to find a least one person out here. I felt like screaming, maybe I should do that. I sat down to another tree, then inhaled and exhaled. Please find me...anyone...please... I thought then finally let out a huge scream. Find me....

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