75- 'there's a mirror in my penis,' was not exactly a great line

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*Andy's POV*

I tried again, and still, nothing happened! I looked at Oona, my face heating up with embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I'm trying to envision where I want to go, but I just don't think that I know it well enough; the image keeps flickering in my mind."

Oona smiled, patient as ever. I could tell she wasn't irritated at all, which made me feel all warm and fuzzy. She took my hand from the mirror and held it between both of hers. "It's not just picturing my home, Andy. You have to see yourself already there."

I groaned with frustration. Why was all of this new shit so difficult? Oona narrowed her eyes, and I felt her thinking quickly, weighing options. "Perhaps it would help you to envision your goal if you saw it again? You weren't in the Underworld for very long. That is the way many species can travel to places they have never been."

I nodded as Oona started looking around my bedroom, apparently for a mirror. I got a brief whiff of her characteristic smell, the sweetness of honeysuckle. It seemed to go straight to my junk, and I found I was not really very interested in learning strange, new modes of transportation anymore. I had other things on my mind.

I just watched her for a moment as she looked around. Her black hair was so long, hanging in loose waves, clear to her knees. It was fucking sexy. She was wearing clothes, but I was already imagining her lavender body bare to me.

As I watched her, I tried to think of how to smoothly propose we abandon our mission for the moment and have sex instead. I had never really been 'silver-tongued' about that sort of thing. I decided to wait for more of an opening, rather than just bringing it up out of nowhere.

She was looking at the stuff on top of my bedside table. "What are you doing? Why do we need another mirror? There's one right here." I indicated the mirror on the wall that I had been touching just a second ago.

Oona beamed at me. "I've always found it easier to observe through a smaller mirror, one I can hold in my hand. Do you have one?"

I grinned. "Yeah." I reasoned that, 'there's a mirror in my penis,' was not exactly a great line.

But my craving for Oona was starting to eat at me, a persistent need. Finally, I shamelessly let it take over. If recent experiences were any indication, my mind would be clouded until I'd taken care of it anyway. "If I get one for you, what will you do for me?" Ok, not exactly seductive, but I could have done worse.

Oona cocked her head at me, amused. "Andy, I've told you, if you want to fornicate, just let me know. Is the seed-"

I walked towards her, then pulled her to me, tired of trying to be suave. "-Yes! We haven't been together since yesterday! It feels like forever, please?"

Oona looked up at me, her black eyes shining. I sensed her willingness and satisfaction at seeing me so hungry for her. "Of course. Undress, and let me slake your thirst."

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