26- Unrequited love & tears

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*Oona's POV*

I looked in the mirror and watched as tears leaked out of Andy's tightly closed eyes and onto his palms. I felt such a terrible pain at seeing him suffering; my chest and stomach began to ache. Why had he felt the need to put up such a front on my behalf?

I considered whether it would be better for Andy if I just disappeared from his life, if I only watched him from home for the time I had remaining to me. But I knew he would be left with so many unanswered questions, that would be cruel. I also knew he would blame himself for my disappearance and wonder where I had gone. I was afraid he might be foolish enough to come looking for me. Admittedly, my own desire to see him again played a role in deciding that it would be futile to just try and excise myself like a cancer.

Generally, I rarely slept, but I felt drained, and sad. I knew what love was supposed to be like, and this was surely not it. This was unrequited. Because of it, I had hurt my beloved, and I was going to die.

Everything had seemed tolerable when I was in Andy's arms, but now that I was alone, the stark reality of the situation had begun to sink in. All that Andy felt for me was the lust I had compelled him to feel; he was just a compassionate man in general. I settled into my nest, huddled under the layers of fabric for comfort. I curled my wings around me, trying in vain to simulate the feel of Andy's lanky arms. I noticed the pillow by my cheek had become cold and damp right before I fell asleep.

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