31- Igniting in the Underworld

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*Oona's POV*

Andy sat down on the edge of my nest and gestured for me to join him, but I remained standing. "Andy, we shouldn't have sex anymore." I blushed, embarrassed. "I just can't seem to stop having exceedingly intense orgasms."

Andy cocked his head and raised his eyebrows at me, bemused. "And?"

I bunched my hands into little fists, frustrated, "Because of the effect it has on you! Until we figure out a way to leech out some of all the energy you have absorbed, I don't want to make it any worse."

I looked down at him. How could it possibly get any worse? Andy had become a distilled version of himself, and just being close to him made me salivate as his specific, male scent overcame me, like an intangible key to my personal locks. Only now, he was positively overwhelming. I felt my earlier resolve faltering and spoke hastily, "Don't you ever want to be able to leave your house?"

Andy just looked at me, hungrily, from my head, along my chest and my belly, to my sex, down my legs, and then back. His eyes, our bond, penetrated right through me. He knew I wanted him inside of me.

I had to look away. "I get more than I deserve just out of satisfying you." It was true. After all I had done, every time Andy allowed me to touch him was more than a privilege, it was a gift. I felt my cheeks heating and looked at the blankets. That had come out a little more intensely than I had meant it to.

Andy surprised me, taking me by the waist and sitting me in his lap. "You want to know what will appease me, Oona?" His black eyes were soft, his long, dark eyelashes framing them. His eyelids crinkled as he smiled widely, and my heart melted. "I want my mate to be happy. I'm here for you." The love feeling coursed through my whole body as he tenderly caressed my cheek.

His smile broadened as he sensed my emotions and spoke quietly, holding me close, "I can't believe you followed me around for four years. How'd you manage to restrain yourself for that long with feelings like that?"

I considered his question, and the answer was soon obvious. I thought it before I said it, and his breath caught briefly. "Because I love you, Andy. I didn't mean to deceive you. I'm so sorry-"

He cut me off. "-Shhh, Oona, never apologize for that again, ok?" He leaned in quickly, and it was as though we were kissing for the first time. His movements were slow and tentative, but still heated, stealing my breath away. I had never shared such a delicate, gentle kiss as this. It was as though every nerve-transmitting cell within me was thrumming in resonance. I felt a new vulnerability, and a yearning so strong I was certain Andy had just enchanted me.

I forced myself to break away, half-hypnotized, shaking my head. "I've told you, you don't need to do that if you want sex! That cursed seed is driving you to this. You don't really want me, it's the seed! We have to get that thing out of you. In the meantime, I can fellate you..." I trailed off when he shook his head.

He looked at me calmly, then wrapped his arm around my midriff, pulling me closer against him. "I didn't enchant you." He didn't? "No, I didn't. And I'm not interested in fucking, which is what the desire you put in the seed wants. It's different, I can feel it. I want to do something else." My comprehension failed me. I was so sure, I had felt the same sort of surge as he had kissed me. And what exactly did he want to do?

Andy held my face in his large, fine hands. "If I hadn't met you, I might never have known about an important part of myself, a meaningful part. You're helping me learn who I am. And, now, being your mate, sharing this connection... it's definitely weird, but it's incredible, it's fantastic!" His gaze intensified, and several minute, golden sparks of energy came streaking off of him only to careen towards me. When I took them in, I gasped at the heady sensation. I felt my nipples contract and a hot, wet warmth between my legs. "The seed stays, Oona. I can't give this up; I can't let you go. I won't."

He brought our lips together and we kissedagain, the smoldering within me easily catching. I had to catch hold of hisshoulders to keep from falling off his lap as that same surge ran through myentire body again. Each time our tongues would slowly glide together, thebonfire inside me grew stronger, and my resolve weakened. The pressure ofAndy's lips melding tenderly against mine again and again, I was almostovercome. I felt him swelling against my thighs and I broke the kiss. I knew hedidn't want sex. I was confused; I couldn't think clearly.

"Let me show you how I feel." I blinked, still dazed. "Please." Andy wasbegging, begging me? "Please." I could never refusehim. I nodded and gave in to the frantically raging, internal inferno.

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