56- He had already had a very tough week!

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*Penemue's POV*

As Crow and Andy were calling Juliet in the guestroom, I realized someone had to state the obvious. "When the vampire arrives, if she reacts strongly, I can't allow her to harm anyone."

Femme bristled and Oona frowned, but Sebastian made a placating gesture. "She's essentially my grand-daughter in law, 'Mue. We can agree to subdue her together, if it comes to that, but nothing more. You know damned well that if Juliet gets hurt, Andy could never be happy. Right?"

I frowned. Leave it to my descendants to be emotionally beholden to vampires and demons! As if just one or the other weren't enough trouble? Sebastian made some sort of masculine, posturing gesture. "Are we on the same page?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Yes, of course!"

A couple minutes passed of Oona and that stupid oaf practicing cat-stroking with Femme. I was secretly envious, but I would never reveal that I wanted to participate, not with Sebastian here to witness me enjoying such a mundane activity. I was certain I'd make the better cat-stroker, but I was quite rusty.

I heard Andy running to his bedroom, and then Crow trotted back into the living room. "Juliet is coming. I spoke with her, so she knows something is afoot, she also knows there are guests in her home, but that is all. She said she would dress and then come, be ready to shove Andy her way."

Andy scooted into the living room just as Crow finished talking. "What should I do?" He looked panicked, poor lad.

"Andy, as soon as you see Juliet, embrace her quickly, then follow her lead-" Andy had no time to process my instructions. There was a brief hint of char in the air, a small sizzling noise, and then Juliet was standing next to Sebastian. Shit!

"Dive, 'Bastian, dive, dammit!" For half a second it looked like all of us were completely over-reacting, and I felt like a total fool. Then Juliet put her hand to her abdomen, as though she was in terrible pain. She looked, unseeing and bewildered, around the room.

"What are you doing in my house!?! Where's Andy, what have you done with Andy! Can't see, can't think! It hurts! Smell so good, run! Get out, go! Starving!" Juliet got increasingly less coherent and was starting to drool down her chin. Eeew. Sebastian had thrown himself to the floor, but Andy was still frozen in place, terrified. Crumbs! Sebastian was still the closest one to Juliet, and I watched as her blind eyes locked on my stupid adversary, sensing his energy. Oh Heavens, his shoe was caught on an end table, stupid carbon-copied oaf!

Shit, there was no fucking way I was allowing my stunned, traumatized progeny to witness his girlfriend feeding off of his idiot grandfather! He had already had a very tough week! I moved forward and picked up Andy like a new bride. He didn't even protest until I set him down and shoved him into slobbery Juliet's arms, but as soon as she set her lips on his, he stopped abruptly. Hmph. Cherubim: accept no substitutes in a pickle.

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