60- Girltalk, Rabbit, mind your own business!

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*Juliet's POV*

I turned, ready to lay into whoever felt the pressing need to interrupt us, but what I saw was pitiful enough to give me pause. It was Oona, the succubus, and she was trembling, silent tears were cascading continually down her face in that fashion where they almost look more like a sheet of tears. I couldn't get mad at her.

She surprised Andy and I even further when she threw herself to the ground and gripped my ankles. "I cannot bear witnessing the hurt I have caused any longer! I beg you to end my life! I can only hope my death will allow you to reconcile and bring a return of peace! Please, this guilt is the most excruciating thing I have ever felt, it is terrible! I never want to love anything again!"

I looked at Andy, confused. He shook his head, making a round, ball-like motion around his head. Bike helmet? What the fuck? He wanted to go bike riding? Right then?Timing, Andy! Look how upset Oona was! Besides, it was the middle of the night, and I had to get back to Florida!

Andy squatted down. "Oona, I could feel your distress from here, even with your thoughts shielded." Oh! I got it then, 'brain shield,' or whatever, not, 'bike helmet.' I suppressed what would have been a very inappropriate snicker. "Discussions are something normal for every relationship, you shouldn't blame yourself-"

Oona squeezed my ankles tighter, I had to make an effort not to fall. "-Juliet is your queen, Andy! I have caused dissension, and in my naïve selfishness hoped somehow for a resolution in which I could have-"

I couldn't take it anymore, this was just too sad. Oona needed some...something. She was so dejected, I had to do something, it was the right thing to do. Oona didn't really understand relationship dynamics, it wasn't exactly her fault. She had sort of tried to do the right thing. "-It will be ok, come on, why don't you come with me, we'll wash our faces off. Mine's all puffy, how's yours?" I offered Oona a hand up, rubbing her back to try and calm her. I figured a hysterical, guilt-stricken succubus wasn't going to help anybody, nor was it really fair to Oona, honestly. I coaxed her to the bathroom, leaving Andy to presumably figure out how to go transmogrify back to human, uh, form, or whatever. He was a big boy, he could handle it.

I shut the door behind us, then got a small pile of washcloths, and ran some lukewarm water. I passed Oona a washcloth and got one damp for myself. Seeing she looked hesitant, I went ahead and pressed the soothing warm, damp cloth against my face.

I let out a big sigh. "Man, I feel better already." I grabbed another washcloth to dry with, and was pleased to see Oona had stopped crying and was cautiously wetting hers. I found a decent facial lotion, and offered Oona some when she was finished drying, making her smile. It was kind of endearing that she had to watch me to see how to put it on, as though there was a certain, correct way. I got the vibe she was trying to make a good impression, do things properly.

Honestly, right then, Oona was almost difficult to look at, she was so faultless. That alone was motivation enough to feed off of her, she would be delicious. And, of course, I'd do anything I could to protect Andy. Even if he did want to take Oona as his wife, mate, or whatever and just leave me in the dust.

Abruptly Oona stood up (she had been sitting on the toilet seat, we had been giggling over human, female beauty rituals). "Juliet- you are good, and kind..." She narrowed her eyes, clearly thinking something over.

Oona spoke very carefully. It seemed as though she didn't wish to offend me, but I was still surprised at what she said. "Please understand any questions I have are intended in goodwill, please don't take anything I say in a negative fashion. I was not raised by American humans, monogamy is not a part of my culture." She paused, looking nervous. I nodded for her to continue. "Do you think you could ever tolerate Andy having a second partner at all?"

My reflexive answer would have always been no, that wasn't a question anyone even asked, not seriously. But when I looked at Oona, and I thought about it, I didn't know what I thought or felt. I knew I didn't feel good about the situation right then. So I just looked away and shrugged. I didn't want to upset Oona further, she felt bad enough already.

Oona was quiet for a while, again, obviously mulling that over. I wasn't sure what to say. I had no fucking idea how to deal with the situation. Oona squinted a little. "If you were to consent, If you wished to feel you were a partner of superior standing, could you not marry Andy?"

I laughed. "I could, I guess, but that would do nothing but earn me the even greater hatred of thousands of fans across the world, Oona. They are cruel enough already, I don't want some half-assed, shotgun wedding just so that my groom can then go share a more meaningful bond with you, Oona, when I should be having a honeymoon."

Oona frowned immediately. "Why would you call it more meaningful? You and Andy have been together for years-"

I sighed. "You would be able to sense each others' emotions, Oona. Speak to each other with thoughts. That's incredible. I can't-"

Oona's eyes shot open wide, as though she had one of those internal lightbulb moments. "-Or can't you?" She briefly squeezed my arm, then ran out of the bathroom. Um, ok?

A few seconds later, I saw Andy peering hesitantly around the doorframe, looking decidedly human. "Uh, hi? I didn't hear any shouting, and Oona just ran out of there, heading towards the living room, looking like she just drank a whole pot of coffee and is going to end global warming, bring world peace, and save the whales. Are you guys, um, plotting my demise together?"

I wished I knew! Best to keep him on his toes. I zipped my fingers across my lips. "Girltalk, Rabbit, mind your own business!" Andy smiled hesitantly before ruffling his hair a little. Goofball. I returned his smile.

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