Chapter Thirty: Tiberius

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I wish there was a way to change the past. As a vampire, I possess a lot of superior power to humans, but changing the past is still not in my skill set.

You see, for a long time I cared for nothing or nobody but myself. When you first turn, your emotions and hormones are all on overdrive considering your body thinks it's supposed to be dead.

After the first couple of months you start to gain parts of yourself back... but slowly. Very slowly. And you will never be the same as you were when you were human.

You see things differently as a vampire than you do as a living human being.

Although, thinking back to that time, long, long ago before I was who I am. I sometimes wonder how life would have gone if I hadn't been turned.

I have met some of the most amazing, talented, beautiful, people in my life... and that, I think, makes it worth it. I just wish I didn't have to be a vampire to experience it all.

France 1607

It was my 20th year. The year I would soon know was the year I would take over for my father as our villages landlord. For in a few short months, he and my mother would be killed. And not just killed, murdered.

Our family was one of great wealth, for my father was the landowner of a relatively well-built establishment.

(Speaking French)

"Did you hear, did you hear?" Serena asks eagerly.

"What comes of this ruckus sister?"

"The English are sending men to the new world! The whole village is talking of it!" She states excitedly.

"So they are..." I whisper to myself. For years now Britain has been waiting to send men to colonize this new land.

"Isn't it magnificent! Do you think we will get to go once they've built the houses?" She asks.

"Don't be foolish! It will take them years to get that many people across seas! And what a gruesome journey that would be. Tell me, would you like to be trapped on a minute ship with only crackers to eat and sea water to drink? As well as the only smell that fills the ship, being the smell of your own feces?" I ask. Her eyes grow large and she shakes her head.

"Precisely. And aren't you happy here?"

"Of course I am, but it would be exciting to be amongst the first to step foot on foreign land," she sighs.

"It's a poor wish to have. Now go rid yourself of the thought with some practice on your English."

Serena vanishes into the next room and when I know she is gone, I uncover the note hidden beneath my arm.

Dear mother and father,
I am forever sorry that I have betrayed you in such a way. However, I do wish you all the best and hope that you may find it in your hearts to forgive me. In one weeks time, I will reach Britain. I wish to be upon the many ships leaving for the new world. This isn't what you'd planned for me, I know, but it is what I want more than anything. If we never find our way back together, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.
                                  -With love, Tiberius.

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