Chapter Twenty-Five: Found.

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Two months later

Christmas break came and went. And so did New Years. And while I promised myself this year would be different, this year would be better, I found myself continuing down the same dark, lonely path.

I haven't felt so alone since the first month after my parents died. Listening to my Grandma and Grandpa bicker about me. Nobody wanted me. It felt... awful.

And for a while, I was convinced I would never be happy again. My life was destined to fail. But then I came here and that all changed. I got a fresh start. Yeah, I still missed my parents but at least I felt loved.

I do still have them, Aunt Ruth, Alysa, and Brandon. But I've managed to push them away to the point where they've come to accept that it's just the way I am.

After I found out the truth about my parents, I felt like my life had no purpose. Those dreams were the only thing keeping me going, that and Tiberius. Both of which proved to be fatal.

Part of me wishes I'd never had the dreams, that I'd never found out the truth. I could have just carried on in blissful ignorance.

But the truth always has a way of coming out, one way or another.

There is a light knock on my door.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Hey, dinner's done," Alysa's small voice creeps through the door.


I hear her walk away from my door.

With a sigh, I stand up and look at the reflection, in the mirror, staring back at me.

I'm practically unrecognizable with my now black hair. As well as the multiple piercings through my ears, and my septum and Medusa piercings.

Yeah, my aunt was not pleased when I came back from my friend Jess's house with multiple new holes in my face. All of which she did herself. I guess I just wanted to feel something, even if it was pain. But all I felt was nothing.

I've also adopted the art of makeup. I usually choose to wear dark lipstick and a thick wing but I occasionally sport some brown and burgundy eyeshadow too.

But today I'm wearing nothing, seeing that it's Saturday and I have no plans per usual.

I walk downstairs and hear the loud chatter coming from the kitchen. It sounds like there are more than just Alysa, Brandon and their mom.

I creep across the living room, careful not to make a sound, and peak into the kitchen.

There stands Alysa, Ruth, and Brandon with a familiar set of arms around him. The arms of none other than the blonde haired sister of my ex-love.


I quickly duck back behind the doorway before anyone can see me.

Although I'm sure she's already heard me come down the stairs with her vampire abilities.

I haven't seen her since I started doing online school shortly after everything went down. Against my Aunts wishes of course.

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