Chapter Six: Party In The Woods.

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I chug the rest of my cup of beer, trying to act as though I didn't see him.

"Start talking," I demand to Claire.

"What? What do I say?" She asks.

"I don't care, anything. Just make it look like we are just-"

"Hey Rosalie." Tiberius's soft but rough voice says next to me.

I turn towards him hesitantly and smile awkwardly.

"Hi... Tiberius." My voice cracks and I feel like making up an excuse to run in the other direction.

"This is my friend Claire," I say, gesturing towards her. She blushes and smiles awkwardly. Aren't we a pair.

"Pleasure to meet you," he nods at her.

"Haha, yeah," she says and I wanna smack my own forehead.

"I didn't know you would be here tonight," He says turning back to me, probably in an attempt to start conversation.

Without thinking, I blurt, "well you would have if you ever would have texted me back."

His eyes widen for a moment but then he smiles, almost smirks.

"Yes well, apparently my mind isn't as sharp as it used to be, I was just so distracted by that question you popped the other day that I forgot your number entirely," He chuckles. He doesn't sound mad, just a bit snarky.

"Oh..." I say quietly. I can feel my face heat up. Why was I so rude with him? I was never so bold to be rude to someone before.

"I'm- sorry about that, by the way. That was very out of character for me and I-"

"Please, it was no big deal. I did want to text you, in fact I asked Serena if she could give me your number but of course she doesn't want me around any of her friends," He kinda grumbles the last part.

"Oh there's Cody, I'm going to go over there... with him!" Claire says smiling awkwardly and walking quickly away.

We turn back to one another after she walks away on her little t-Rex arm legs.

"Why doesn't she want you around her friends?" I ask.

He is quiet for a moment before speaking.

"Oh you know, just doesn't want her older brother bothering her friends."

Something about what he says doesn't sound true. It sounds like he is making an excuse for something else... something bigger.

"What, do you bother her friends often?" I ask raising a brow.

He furrows his eyebrows.

"No... not at all actually." He shakes his head quickly. "I think she just worries about me involving myself in her personal life, you know?" He asks.

I nod.

"Speaking if that, aren't you supposed to be watching her and Brandon," I chuckle.

"I am," he says, glancing over at them, cuddling by the fire.

"Bleh," he says, making a disgusted face.

I laugh.

"So Brandon is your cousin right?" He asks.


"Ah. Well, is he suitable for my little sister?" He asks.

"Well, I don't know him all that well... but from what I can tell, he seems like a very nice, well mannered person," I say and he furrows his eyebrows.

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