Chapter Eleven: Something Bigger.

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I groan as my Monday morning alarm sounds loud as ever. I turn it off and start to get up before remembering I don't have school for the next two weeks.

"Ugh..." I groan.

My bladder feels full and I know I have to use the bathroom but if I get up I won't be able to fall back asleep.

Damn it.

I get up and use the bathroom. Everyone is still sleeping since they are smart and turned off their alarms. Everyone except Aunt Ruth since she goes to work but she still doesn't even leave until nine o'clock.

As I wash my hands I can hear Max whining outside of the door.

I sigh. He needs to go outside. He only ever whines like this when he does.

I dry off my hands and open the door to an overly excited Maxie.

"You wanna go outside?"

He jumps up and barks.

"Shhh. You're gonna wake everyone up." I whisper, laughing.

I walk downstairs and open the back door. Of course, he bolts out and runs around looking for a place to do his business.

The yard isn't fenced in but there are woods behind it and Max knows not to go far.

I shut the door and turn, going into the living room to wait for him to scratch when he's ready to come in. He's such a good boy.

He is exactly what I always imagined having a dog would be like. However, my mom and dad always told me they barked a lot, drooled a lot, jumped on you and were a lot of work. I'm sure they were just trying to make me feel better about not having one all my life because of moms allergies but I still wished for one every year for Christmas and my birthday.

I lean my head back on the couch and close my eyes. Right as I start to relax I hear Max barking.

It's not his normal bark though... it's different.


My eyes fling open and I stand up quickly. Oh no, what if there is another animal back there? What if there is a coyote or something!

I run to the door and whip it open. Max glances over at me but swiftly resumes his barking at something beyond the trees.

"Max!" I shout, whistling.

He doesn't budge, just keeps barking. I feel my heart beating faster as I wonder what is so important that he can't leave it.

Scanning the kitchen for a weapon to use on an animal, I settle for a large knife even though I would rather have something bigger to hit it with.

"Maxie!" I yell again but he still doesn't come.

I breathe in deeply and walk across the yard, trying my best not to think of what could be waiting for me out there. The ground is freezing on my bare feet but I hardly notice.

Max continues to bark profusely at what appears to be nothing but I know better.

As I get closer, I notice his mouth is foaming and he is showing vicious teeth.

"Come on Max," I say, grabbing his collar. He turns quickly and for a moment I fear he will bite me. But he doesn't. He just jerks away. It is freezing out here. Even colder than it has been for the past week. I'm not quite used to it yet and Alysa and Brandon both tell me that this is nothing compared to how cold it will get.

I guess I never realized what a luxury I had living in warm, sunny Utah.

I look into the woods and see nothing. It is still dark though, since it's only 6:30 am in winter.

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