Chapter Fourty- Seven

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- Felix's POV -


I breathed in fresh air, not the dirty air I've been smelling. Prison was rough, I'm not going to sugar coat it. I have many scars on my body, I had to defend myself and my virginity (well, my butt virginity, I already lost the other one). But I got out early because of my good behaviour; I followed every rule, did extra activities, showed how I was improving until they had to let me out.

I looked different, it's been a few years. My copper hair was long enough to tie in a small ponytail but short enough for some strands to not reach and instead rested on my face. I had multiple new scars along my body, adding to the old ones. I even got a tattoo, a pair of large angel wings on my shoulder blade. I was also more muscular and taller. My left eye had a large scar from Lucas, my eye colour now a pearly white due to blindness. My other eye was still a vivid blue. I am a 27 year old man instead of an 18 year old boy

I didn't want to hang around this town any longer, Kaiden said he'd get me from prison and sure enough, there he stood leaning against a motorbike. My motorbike.
He was taller (taller then me by a couple of inches), he had bigger muscles then me but not like he had steroids. His blonde hair was still the same, an undercut but still longish. It was as though I fell in love with him again. I missed him so much.

"Hey nerd" he called, wrapping me in a hug. I almost melted at his touch before bringing his face in for a long kiss. We pulled away, panting slightly. He rested his forehead on mine and smiled.
"I missed you"

"So did I"

"Nikki kept your bike in storage" he explained, pulling away.
"I kept a place for you in my new home"

"You haven't told me exactly where you lived"

"Well" he rubbed the back of his neck,
"Nikki told me about your safe and password. I... took the money from there and the money I saved up for a new life in Seattle"

"What?" I couldn't believe it, he did that for me. The guy that once strangled him and threatened him?

"I attended college and I'm now a PE teacher at a school there"

"Are they fine with your knee?" I asked, noticing the thin but long scar on his knee.

"They told me I could take it easy if I wanted too" he shrugged before tossing me a helmet,
"Now get on the back, I'm taking you somewhere special"

"You got your license"
He only winked before throwing a leg over the bike. I climbed behind him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and leaning close to him.
"I like a bad boy in leather on a bike" I whispered before sliding my helmet on. Kaiden chuckled before driving off.


I would've never found myself here again. Under the willow tree, in the park sat a large checkered picnic blanket, on it sat food. Besides from food, the people I knew sat there. Landor, Adrien, Juno, Corban, Skye, Matthew, Braydon, Nikki, a teenage girl and a baby. The girl ran up to me as soon as she saw me and hugged me.

"Felix! Remember me?" She grinned,

"How could I not forget about that face" I said, poking Lucy's cheek. She giggled,
"How old are you now?"

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