Chapter Twenty-Eight

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~ Kaiden's POV ~

Christmas. The holiday of giving. Also known as the holiday of stress and the holiday of empty bank accounts. Growing up, Christmas was amazing but it died out as you got older. Lucy loves Christmas, especially the decorating and the lights. I liked it because of food.

A few days ago, Lucy locked me out of the house. She got scolded by my parents harshly. But I was lucky Felix came, he ended up sleeping on the couch with me. I woke up to my head buried in his lap, he had his arm rested on me and his head thrown back over the couch. He had breakfast with us before having to leave to return Alice's car but not before slipping something to my mother.

I helped my mother and Lucy decorate the inside of the house while my dad strung lights on outside on Christmas Eve. After all day decorating, the house looked amazing. The Christmas tree was up in the lounge room, some presents already under there, our stockings over the fireplace. A holly wreath hung on our front door, my dad held a mistletoe over my mums head, making her laugh before planting a huge kiss on his lips.

"Kaiden, stop gagging and come help me cook" my mum said before glaring at dad,
"One step in the kitchen and I'll cut you with the carving knife" she snapped. I helped my mum cook a few things for Christmas Day, our family was coming in for lunch, before shoving them in the already full freezer.

"We should invite Felix" my mum hinted,
"He's your boyfriend after all"
I almost dropped the tray of Christmas cookies I had.

"Boyfriend?!" I cried,
"He is NOT my boyfriend"

"Your actions don't lie, you have a little attraction towards him" she said with a smile. I scrunched my eyebrows, trying to remember everything that would make my mum think I liked Felix. A lot of memories came to mind. But I didn't like him, I'm into boobs and ass's! Well, Felix was sort of an ass but I was straighter then a ruler. I liked girls, yet I cherished my memories of Felix more so then the ones of girls.

"Oh shit, I might be gay" I whispered tragically making my mother laugh.

"It's fine sweetie, even if you're not but really like Felix" she said, icing the cookies.
"Whatever happens, happens! Just go with whatever feels right and don't try to think about too much.

"Thanks mum" I said, she slapped my shoulder in a playful way.

"Good, now go give some to your father and Lucy, I can hear them drooling from here" she joked, passing me a plate of red and green cookies.
I grabbed my phone, texting Felix if he wanted to come over for Christmas.

'Nah, I've never had Christmas so I don't know what to do. Plus, it's a family thing. You have fun though.' was his reply. I stared wide-eyes at my phone screen before calling him,

"What? I thought we were texting" he said.

"You've never experienced Christmas?" I asked,

"Nope, and it's not because of religion or anything" he said like it was a casual thing.

"What do you do that day then?" I asked,

"I dunno, I spend it like a regular day"

"You're coming over here" I stated hearing a groan.
"No buts, I'll pick you up at 3" I said, hanging up so he had no choice to. After the phone call, I remembered what mum said. I began to think, would I do what I do with Felix with someone else? After a while, I came to the conclusion that I would nurse someone like Braydon back to health but I wouldn't lay my head on his lap and let him play with my hair until I fell asleep in my boxers.

"Goddammit mother" I cursed, grabbing my keys and marching downstairs.

"Kaiden, where are you going?" My dad asked as I reached the foyer.

"Mum said Felix could come over for Christmas" I said, he checked me over.

"You and Felix have been spending a lot of time together even though you've finished the assignment" he said,

"We're friends" I replied,
"Plus, you saw my score! I would've never gotten it without Felix, and he's helped me in other subjects"

"Doesn't he have to spend Christmas with his family?" Dad asked, I gulped.

"He, uh, doesn't have a family" I sighed,
"Plus, he's never celebrated Christmas"

"You get that boy over here right now!" My mum shouted from the kitchen,
"He will celebrate with us if he has no one else!"

"Fine, bring him over. But not Braydon" he said, I nodded and escaped into my car. The streets seemed empty, it was Christmas Eve so everyone was either doing last minute shopping or curled up at home with some hot chocolate. I pulled up at Felix's, seeing Alice struggling with some grocery bags.

"Hey Alice!" I called, jogging over to her and picking up 4  bags of groceries.
"Thanks for lending Felix your car, it really saved me"

"What happened?" She asked with a look of concern. I explained the story of how Lucy locked me out and how Felix picked the door opened. She laughed loudly as we entered her apartment.

"Well I'm glad you're okay" she said, I glanced around. Her apartment was larger then Felix's because it had two rooms rather then one. It was also decorated for Christmas

"My partner works while I'm a stay-at-home wife" she explained as she began unpacking.
"I should be alright from here darl, Thank you. You go see Felix"

"You're welcome, merry Christmas!" I said as I shut her front door. I knocked on Felix's door, hearing no more stomping around or barking. Felix opened the door, a thick quilt wrapped around him and his head like a hooded cape. He glared at me before opening the door more, I looked around at my feet for Caesar but saw no sign of him.

"Where's Caesar?" I asked sitting on the couch that was still warm from where he laid on it watching 'The Grinch'.

"Landor and Adrian came over, they fell in love with him and took of with him" Felix explained,
"Juno said it was okay so they have a shop pet now"

"Wow, he was only here for a short while" I said.

"Thank god" Felix groaned,
"My furniture is safe from being chewed on"
I laughed,

"I know the twins will take good care of them" he said.

"That's good" I replied as Felix laid next to me, returning his eyes to the screen. We sat in comfortable silence before he muttered,

"What do you do for Christmas?"


"What do you do? What do you don't do? Why is it celebrated? I just don't get it" he expanded,
"We never celebrated, nothing happened. It was any other boring day and suddenly, I have to experience it. I don't get it" he blew through his nose after his rant. I bit my lip,

"Well, I celebrate it because of food. Lucy because she likes getting new things, my parents likes having the whole family over without drama. Everyone celebrates it for different reasons and in different ways. Some don't even celebrate it but that's their choice" he nodded along with what I was saying.

"I'll start packing" he sighed, unwrapping himself from his blanket. I heard him shuffling around before he came back out with a pack back and suitable clothes from his nerd persona. He grabbed a paper bag sitting on the bench, pulling out multiple pill bottle.

"One to stop anxiety attacks, one to stop depression, one to send me to sleep and one to stop headaches" he explained,
"The therapist says I need them all"

"You go to a therapist?" I said surprised. He shrugged,

"Once a month I have too" he stated shoving the sleeping pills and anxiety pills in his bag and the rest in the cupboard.
"Right, off we go" He chirped happily and marched out the door. I glanced back at the cupboard of pills before following him out.

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