Chapter Twenty-Three

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- Felix's POV -

I could hear Kaiden's sleeping breath, quiet and heavy but soft, it comforted me somehow. Having the knowledge that someone is there, feeling their presence was nice. I slept next to him, mostly watching his peaceful sleeping face. I fell asleep feeling safer than I have in a while.

I was alone, just me and the darkness. I began walking, at least I think I did but it was hard to tell. Then I heard it, heavy footsteps behind me as though someone was running after me. Fear built in my chest and adrenaline made my legs move quickly. I had no idea if I was getting further away from the footsteps, all I knew was I had to get away.

"Run Felix" a simple whisper in my ear, so quiet that I didn't know it was real,
"We'll hold him off" I didn't know who 'we' were but I knew that I had to run. So I did, my legs felt lighter and I could finally breathe. The footsteps grew dimmer and dimmer until I could no longer hear them. I felt new, like I was reborn, I saw a dim light ahead no bigger then a pin-point but it was there.

I woke up, rubbing my eyes. A nightmare, only this one didn't end in my waking up terrified. I realised the warmth around my body, I looked behind me and saw Kaiden lying next to me with his arm around my chest and leg wrapped around mine. A small amount of drool ran down his chin and he snores slightly. I smiled, who knew the fuckboy player was actually a cuddlier? I unwrapped my body from the bed, walking into the kitchen to make some coffee (after taking photos of course). I made a caramel latte using a sachet, sipping it in the Saturday sun while watching the cartoons on TV. Lunch time soon approached and I heard shifting from the bedroom as Kaiden awoke, he groaned loudly. I walked in to see him patting the bed next to him,

"Morning puke-for-brains" I said as he looked around confused.

"What? Where am I?" He croaked,

"You has a sleep over with me after getting pissed" I explained handing him two tablets for headache and some water.

"Thanks" he said after gulping then down, he seemed more awake.

"One more. Question, why are we practically naked?" He asked, he only wore the sweatpants while I was in a large shirt and boxers. Deciding to play with him, I only winked silently and his mouth feel open.

I walked out,
"Wait Felix! Please tell me I still have my ass-ginity!" He cried, I heard a thump as he got tangled in the sheets and feel on the ground. I never answered his questions. His phone buzzed,

"We will continue this conversation later" he said before answering the phone. Even though is wasn't on speaker phone, I could hear his mother yelling at him.

"Well it's about time! Do you know how worried I was when you didn't come home last night!" She yelled, Kaiden pulled the phone away from his ear wincing as I stepped over to hear better. It's once in a life time do you see a popular jock get told off by his mother.

"I stayed at Felix's" Kaiden said meekly,

"I don't care! It's the fact that you didn't tell anyone!" His mum yelled as I snickered.

"Now you apologise to Felix and his family for housing my stupid son!" His mother commanded.

"Sorry Felix" he said to me, I smiled grabbing the phone off Kaiden.

"Not a problem" I said, addressing Kaiden's mum
"It was good fun having him over"

"Thank you Felix" she said with a calmer voice.
"Put Kaiden back on"
I turned it on speakerphone and handed it to Kaiden.

"Now you mister!" She cried again, it was like a switch was flicked.
"You will not go to your fathers dinner party tonight"

"Oh thank god" Kaiden muttered,

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