Chapter Seventeen

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~ Kaiden's POV ~

I dressed in a dark blue hoodie that I found in the back of my closet and some ripped jeans that aren't supposed to be ripped. I already told my mum that I was staying over at Felix's to keep working on English. The amount of times I have lied to my family every since I met Felix outweighs my whole life's lies. I waited at the park that was a 10 minute drive from my place, shivering in the cold night air. Lucy loved this park, a huge lake and fancy play equipment. I also liked this park, I have been across the lake to the adult side and partied with my friends. Just as the clock turned 9:27, a familiar rumble of an engine cut me out of my thoughts as two pairs of headlights pulled up. The first one was Felix, he shut off his bike and ran his fingers through his hair. His bandage was still wrapped around his head.

"Hey Kaiden" he called, leaning his top half on the handle bars.
"You're missing basketball practice"

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I asked, he shrugged.

"Took note on the days you practiced on and I know about the game coming up" he said, I was touched he took note of me. The car besides him shut off as well, Annalise poked her head out the window.

"Heyo!" She called,
"Hurry up and lets go!" Felix tossed me the helmet and I excitedly climbed on. The ride was just as enjoyable as the first one. I loved the feeling of the rumbling engine between my legs, I loved the warmth Felix gave off as I gripped his waist, I loved the sound of the rushing wind. I wanted to whoop with joy but I kept myself silent as I leaned with Felix at a turn. Annalise and Carter was ahead of us, guiding us through the back streets. I don't know how long it was but when we stopped, I quickly got off to return the feeling in my legs.

"Alright pansies!" Annalise called popping the boot as she exited the car.
"Suit up"
It was then that I realised that we were on a bridge, not just any bridge but the main one with the highway that lead to and from the town. 4 giant concrete pillars rose from the ground below supporting it. We were parked on top in the parking lot overlooking the town.

"What are we-" I asked turning around to see all three of them in bungee jumping gear only the rope didn't look stretchy.

"Hurry up Kaiden" Annalise hissed tossing me a pair,
"Get dressed"
I slipped on the harness as best as I could in the dim light of the street lamp, feeling uncomfortable as it hugged many places that has never been hugged like that before.

"What are we doing?" I asked again, Carter pulled out a trunk and kicked it open. Inside contained many cans of spray paint of all different colours.

"So we abseil down each pillar and spray paint whatever" Annalise said, Felix grabbed a black can and walked to a pillar. I grabbed a bright pink and went on the one next to his.

"So, uh, how do I abseil?" I asked Felix, he rolled his eyes but still came over to help me. It felt weird having him this close to me, I could hear my heart beat. Finally, he moved away and strapped himself in.

He lowered himself down with me, he began painting.
Carter sat next to me, starring at the concrete while Annalise was still up there choosing a colour. I began painting whatever came into mind, still uncertain about this but Felix seemed to be having a good time. He swung around and painted with a broad smile on his face, occasionally going up for a colour.

I couldn't draw, I wasn't an artist. I ended up drawing doodles of things I liked. Basketball, food, Puppies, Australia, Felix..... he had popped into my mind way too many times.
I also added a few things I hated so it wouldn't be linked to me.
Birds, Salad and High heels (they terrify me, they look as though they'd snap in half and break your ankle).
I finished, proud of my work before climbing back up. Up top, Carter was already stripping off even though I never saw him paint anything. Now that I've think about it, I've never heard him talk.

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