Chapter Twenty-Nine

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~ Kaiden's POV ~

I pulled up at the house, Felix rubbed his glasses clean with the thick sweater he wore. Once arriving inside, Felix was attacked by mother and Lucy.

"Felix!" Lucy said happily with a grin, she showed him her fallen out tooth.

"You poor dear! Having to spend Christmas alone all the time" my mum cooed,
"No wonder you're so skinny, I have cookies that you can eat before dinner!" She lead him to the kitchen where he happily accepted a handful of cookies left over from baking.

"Felix" my father nodded in respect,

"Mr Smith" he replied happily,
"Thank you for allowing me to spend Christmas here"

"It's fine, Christmas alone is harsh on a teenage boy" he paused,
"How long have you been alone?"

"My mother died when I was 7 and my dad when I was 12" he explained chewing on a cookie.
"But I was in someone's care until I was 15 but we never did holidays"

"Well you're welcome over anytime dear!" My mum said, tears glistening in her eyes.

"Thank you very much" Felix smiled, we heard a ding that made Felix jump.
"Ovens hot!" My mother scampered back into the kitchen.

"You boys better have a shower before dinner" my father said, shuffling in to help mother. We walked up to my room, Felix dumping his bag and searching for pajama's. He pulled out a Star Wars themed paid of long PJ's.

"Don't you laugh, they are the warmest things I have to sleep in" he snapped, walking off to the shower. I sighed, flopping on my bed. 20 minutes later he walked in with a baggy long sleeved shirt and pants. He walked  over to his bag to put away his clothes. I took a deep breath in, he smelt like me which was new since only I smelt like me. He flopped onto the bed next to me, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes.

"I feel so bare" he groaned,


"I don't have my necklace for the first time in years" he said. He'd never take his necklace, I felt touched that he took it off for me.

"Is it because of dad?" I asked, he nodded.

"I would rather have it off for a night then get caught" he said,
"I put it in a safe spot so it should be fine. It's still in my bag, in a hidden pocket so he won't find it" I nodded before standing up and gathering my things for a shower. Afterwards, we were called down for dinner.

"Your father needs to take care of some stuff in his study so he can spend tomorrow not working" my mum explained, she put down a casserole.

"I can't wait for tonight!" Lucy cried out excitedly,

"Why?" Felix asked, stuffing peas into his mouth.

"Santa's coming!" Lucy replied with child-like wonder.

"..... oh! Him, right I forgot about that" Felix shrugged. Lucy began to babble and talk about Santa. Felix just nodded along, smiling occasionally which pleased her.

"Alright princess, why don't you get into your PJ's like the boys are and hop into bed?" Mother said as she began to clean up the dishes.

"I'll help with cleaning, I did eat" Felix volunteered, my mother smiled.

"I'm glad someone offers their help" she glared playfully at me. Felix followed her into the kitchen, I stretched out on the couch watching a Christmas movie with Lucy sitting on the floor with her pillow. I could hear the murmur of their voices but couldn't pick up what they were saying. Felix cane back in, wiping bubbles off his hands before kicking my feet off the couch so he could sit down. I immediately put my feet back on his lap earning myself a glare from him.

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