Chapter Thirty- Nine

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This will be a shorter chapter

Braydon's POV
Dark clouds started to gather in the distance, threatening to rain. The coach had us doing a quick training session.

"Come on Beckett!" Kaiden called over the pounding of footsteps,
"Cicero, keep in line. Focus on defence"
He's been participating in practices and acting like a real captain. Something he hasn't done since he started to hang out with that nerd Felix. But, I can tell something is wrong. He seemed too focused, like he was trying to distract himself. There will be college scouts here tonight, they will be here for the semi-finals and the finals, judging us.
The coach blew his whistle,

"Alright you lot, go change. I'll see you back here last block" he said.

"I'm going to the bathrooms over near the office, my class is near there anyway" I said to Kaiden who checked his phone, he looked saddened by what he saw.

"Yeah.... sure, tell Mr Burkhart I'll be here. See you later" he replied throwing his phone at his bag and started to jog around the court. I sighed before walking to the bathrooms.

I got there, noticing Felix at his locker. He too didn't look so good. I shook my head from that thought, why'd I care about him? Someone tapped my shoulder,

"Hey Braydon" Skye smiles at me.

"How was your weekend Skye?" I asked, she looked at her designer shoes.

"It was actually really fun, I met someone who made me forget about Kaiden"
That was a surprise,


"He's in his first year of college, studying criminology" she said with a goofy grin.
"He's names Matthew, I met him through Vera"
I hummed in reply, not really interested in what she was saying.

"He's Vera's cousin, she invited me out for tea at her uncles and aunts tea shop and he was working there" she babbled,
"We hit it off, he goes to college here actually. He invited me for coffee tomorrow and...."
I zoned out, glaring at Felix. Skye waved her hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my trance.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, Martin"

"Matthew" she corrected before sighing.
"I think it's time to leave Kaiden and Felix alone"

"What do you mean?" I snapped,
"You and Kaiden are meant to date, Felix is meant to get a swirly! Why are you saying to forget everything?"

"There's just no point anymore. I've moved on and clearly so has Kaiden" she glared at me.

"Look, those two aren't meant to be together!"

"Why? Cause they're both men?" She raised her eyebrow, clearly furious at what I was saying.

"No no! It's just..." I trailed off,
"They just can't okay!"

"It seems you haven't moved on, or grown up. The way you think is extremely childish and I'm glad we ended it you homophobic prick" she stomped off, the crowd parted like the Red Sea, scared of her wrath. I clenched my first, banging the bathroom door open.

"I'm not childish! It's you whose childish!" I yelled to the door, knowing that what I said was childish. I groaned loudly, entering the furthest stall. My mothers words echoed in my mind,

Braydon, I did not raise you to be a bully
No, she didn't raise me to be a bully. I wouldn't bully anyone, just the weak. Those who deserve it, those who don't fight for a living. Another quote by my mother popped into my head as I pulled off my sweaty shirt.

You have to be careful around those types of people, looks can be deceiving.

The bathroom door opened, 2 people entered.

"Hey... uh, how-how do you know Annalise?" Someone ask, I was surprised when Felix spoke as well.


"Is it true what she says about you? Are you actually..." He paused,
This kid must be blind, or just stupid. How could Felix, the nerd hiding behind thick glasses and baggy clothes be the street fighter suspected of the Randells Road drug murders?

"That's absurd" he laughed.
Exactly, absurd, ridiculous and most importantly UNTRUE. I heard a large bang making me jump, it sounded right outside my stall. I slipped on my clean shirt, listening to the conversation outside my door.

"Listen to me and you better listen good" Felix hissed, I peaked through the gap in my stall and jumped back at what I saw. Felix had a poor boy up against the wall in a threatening manner and was looking at him with scary eyes.

"You tell anyone, ANYONE"
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It couldn't be true, yet when I got into my stomach to watch the scene unfold from under the door; he was still there with a murderous glare.

"I will be after you next got it?!"

"I got it! Let me go!" The boy whimpered, Felix dropped him and he immediately bolted for safety. I, however, was still stuck in here. I watched him

"Come on Felix" He muttered,
"Stay calm, stay hidden" he looked at his reflection for a long amount of time. I was going to move when he suddenly yelled,

Scaring the shit out of me. He punched the mirror, breaking it. Blood dropped from his knuckles as he steadied himself with the sink.

"You're okay.... you're okay" he mumbled, washing the blood off his fist. He then left the bathroom, like nothing happened. Meanwhile, I was freaking out on the bathroom floor.

"Holy fuck" I whispered. Everything made sense, Felix was Razor. That means he helped me and my mother, he killed those drug addicts on New Years, he threatened me.
Oh crap he could've easily killed me. I raked my fingers through my hair. I'm personally too scared to tell the cops, he could come after me next, or my family. I put my head on my knees, trying to calm down.

When I changed, I exited the stall and found myself in front of a cracked mirror. There was some blood around the sink, on the ground and some on the mirrors sharp edges. I grabbed my bag and ran to my next class, 20 minutes late and a terrified look on my face.

If you are freaking out about going to prom/Formal, don't. Me and my friend didn't go, we got dressed up for photos then went out to a nice dinner in the city with people we actually like.
Don't be forced to go if you don't want to

By the way, Randells Road actually has a story. In a small town called Fernvale, there's a road called Randells Road. Back in time, my grandmothers family came from Germany and lived on that road only it had no name. It only had 2 property's, the Ehrich's (theirs) and the Randells. My family wanted to name it Erhich Road but the little old lady on the Randells property won the court case so it was named after them.
I found it pretty interesting! Also, the Ehrich's land has 2 children buried on the property.
Have fun with ghosts whoever lives there now!

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