Chapter Twenty-Four

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~ Kaiden's POV ~
After my parents left, Lucy came bounding down the stairs and ran past me for Felix. She leapt into his arms,

"Felix!" She cried happily as Felix picked her up and rested her against his hip.

"Hey princess! How've you been?" He asked, she began blabbering about everything as Felix sat on the couch with her. I sat next to them,

"Look! I lost a tooth the other day" She cried happily showing him her missing tooth.
"I got 2 dollars from the tooth fairy!" Felix smiled,

"I lost a tooth too" he said. Felix then popped out his front tooth surprising me. Lucy gasped,
"Lost it ages ago, this is a fake" he explained.

"Woah..." Lucy said,
"Do I have to get one of those?" She asked. I was speechless, looking at the fake front tooth in Felix's hand. Did he loss it as a kid? Is that why the photo upon his bedside table has the tooth missing?

"No, yours grows back" he popped it back in, smiling as he did so. It blended in so well. The amount of times I watched his mouth moved as he talked and I never noticed it. The door bell rang, I went to get it to see the first two kids arrive. The twins, Jacob and Jasmine, stood with their parents who were dressed up nicely.

"Hello Kaiden" their mother said, holding one of their 8 year olds in her arms.
"Thank you got this, your mother said you volunteered for this. We are very grateful"
I cursed mother in my head as she placed down her child.

"It's fine, you two have fun"
They smiled at me and left the children at the door step. They looked like their mother more then the father. Slightly upturned eyes that were the colour of mud and always looked bored. They had the same tightly combed back black hair and small figures. I remember these two, can't find on without the other. If you do, then that one is a distraction while the other is up to mischief.

"Come inside, through to the lounge room" I instructed. They shuffled in, seeing Felix.

"Felix, this is the 8 year old twins. Jacob and Jasmine" I introduced, Felix smiled at them.

"Hey guys" He chirped,

"You have glasses...." Jasmine commented,

"Like a grandpa" Jacob finished. Felix's smile twitched,

"It's not my fault that I have bad eyes" he said slowly,
"You might need them one day"

"Highly doubt it" Jacob said,

"Our family's health is top condition" Jasmine finished. Felix huffed, muttering something under his breath as the door bell rung.

"I'll get it" I excused myself to open the door for the final child. I opened the door and saw someone I knew, a female police officer holding her child. She was also dressed nicely,

"Thank you so much for this Kaiden" she praised, her son stood behind her with head phones over his ears. He had red hair and murky green eyes. He huffed,

"I'm old enough to stay home by myself" he grumbled. His mother ripped his headphones off,

"You're on your last warning Austin!" She snapped. She sent me a smile,
"Be as firm as you need to be with him. See you later" she said prancing off. Austin trudged inside, flopping onto the couch near Felix.

"Who are you?"

"Felix, Kaiden's friend" he said but the headphones were already back on.

"Okay!" I called for everyone's attention, the twins looked up from where they were playing with Lucy.
"Some ground rules. No going upstairs at all unless you live here or you're sleeping. There's a bathroom downstairs" I said.

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