Chapter Nine

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Okay, so I have internet but no phone (stupid Apple). Updates may be a little slow but I will get there!

~ Kaiden's POV ~

He slipped his leg over the bike, pushing it onto the road before turning on the engine. It roared to life,

"Get on," he said. I hesitated before slipping my own leg over the machine. I was in the back seat, behind Felix, but because I was a bit taller than him I could see ahead of us.

"You're going to fall off!" He yelled,
"Grab my waist unless you want to go arse over tit!"

I wrapped my hands around his waist, he was strong and muscular yet he had a smaller waist than most boys. He started the rumble down the street slowly as he gave me some instructions about leaning and turning. My heart pounded quicker as he went fast, I couldn't hear anything due to the cold wind rushing in my ears.

It was only now that I felt how warm he was. He didn't smell of 'roses' or 'spiced apple' or shit, he smelt of boys deodorant. But I could barely care because I felt free, the wind was making my face tingle but it was fresh. I loved it, way better than driving in a car with Braydon belting out lyrics to some shitty pop song. I wanted to toss my head back and yell in delight, let my hair loose like Felix has since he gave me the only helmet he had. It was a beautiful feeling.

After a few minutes of riding, I found myself slowing down. The adrenaline faded out as we parked in front of a shitty looking warehouse. He turned off the engine,

"You look like you enjoyed it" he commented looking at my broad smiling face. I nodded,

"So much fun" I slipped off the helmet, aware how cold my cheeks now where and I was practically bouncing up and down. Felix gave me a smile,

"Let's go" I followed him to the door where music was thumping quietly. Once the door opened, I was hit with loud music and the sight of many people dancing. It smelled of booze and sweat with the occasional smell of deodorant or perfume. Felix grabbed my hand, much like he did before, and guided me to the bar. I wish I had eyes on the side of my head, everything was new for me. I have been too high school house parties but this was more hardcore.

"Hey there Razor!" The bartender called, beside him sat the man at the Greek restaurant.

"Adrian, Landor, this is Kaiden" Felix slid into a bar stool as Nickelback came on through the speakers.
"He's a friend from school, he knows"

"I saw you at Ma's place" Landor hopped off the bar bench and faced me. He and his brother looked like twins,

"Nice to me you again!" I yelled over the guitar riff coming through.

"So Razor, you entering?" Landor asked as Adrian shook my hand with a polite smile.

"Well, I have someone new to show off with" Felix slapped my shoulder,
"What are you having?"

"I'm fine with some bourbon and coke," I said as Felix wrote his name in a little book that Landor handed him. Adrian gave me my drink and a shot of Vodka for Felix which he expertly downed.

"I don't usually drink" he explained,
"Call this liquid courage"

"More like liquid luck," Landor said grabbing the mic and standing on the bench. The music becomes a dull hum over his voice,

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! IT IS TIME TO BEGAN THE FIGHTS!" He called making the crowd cheer. I threw my head back, downing my drink as I watched many people go up and fight. It looked intense, more intense than my father's police training that I saw when I was a kid. I watched as a bloodied and unconscious body was dragged from the ring and the girl stood as a victor.

The crowd screamed louder then I heard all night, I pushed my way through the crowd to the very front as Felix stepped up on the makeshift stage.
"FIGHTING THE AMAZING ANNALISE!" A girl stepped, I stopped cheering. Was he really going to fight that small girl? She barely reached his chest and she looked so frail.

I wanted to step up, to say it was wrong to hit a girl when she leapt towards. Wrapping her thighs around Felix's head, she began punching sending sickening cracks through the air. The crowd cheered for their favourite whereas I stood, amazed at the strength in such a small body. Felix kicked off her legs, dropping her to the ground where he sent a kick into her ribs. She coughed, getting herself up to stand. Felix blocked every kick and every punch she sent his way until he finally pinned her to the ground with her arm behind her. With a loud crack, he had dislocated her shoulder making the crowd go wild. She cried out in pain, cursing at him before crying out

"I GIVE! I GIVE!" With tears in her eyes. Felix let her go, the crowd yelled in delight, before helping her up with her good arm.

"You did well," he said making her smile, he gave her a side hug and helped her down the steps handing her off to a medic. He approached me as the next people went up,

"So, was I amazing?" He asked. I stared at him with my mouth agape. I could only nod and say

"Hell yeah"
He laughed.

"Thanks" he leads me back to the bar where he only got a can of Dr Pepper.
The right side of his face was becoming a deep colour of purple. My mind was filled with concern until Annalise came back over, her arm in a sling. Her fiery red hair stuck out of her high ponytail and a silver ring through he lip. Behind her was a taller guy with long chestnut brown hair tied in a bun atop his head. Black ink trailed up his biceps and under his sleeves.

"Good match, may we?" She gestured to the seat beside Felix. He nodded,

"As you know, I'm Annalise and this is my friend Carter" she pointed to the man who smiled at Felix.
"May we know the name of the legend?"

"Nope, I'm just Razor, that's Kaiden" Felix flicked his head at me, I gave them a wave. They ordered some drinks, quickly downing it before facing us again.

"Wanna go somewhere?" Annalise asked Felix looked at me.

"Where?" I asked them, knowing I had to be back soon anyway. She shrugged before looking at Carter's watch.

"It's only 10:36, we should do something," Annalise said, Felix shook his head.

"Nah, don't feel like it" he slurped the rest of his drink,
"We can do something another time though" Annalise's face broke into a broad smile as Felix gave her his number. She and Carter soon disappeared into the crowd,

"Do you usually get picked up by girls?" I asked. Felix shook his head,

"First for me" he chuckled.
"Anyway, let's get you home or the piggy will be on my bacon"
I perked up, ignoring that he call my dad a piggy, excited for the motorbike ride home. It was the same feeling only Felix smelt of sweat and alcohol from the bar, he pulled up at the same bushes and hid his bike. He stripped once again, spraying himself with deodorant so he didn't smell of the bar anymore. He tossed me the can,

"Can I ask how you got those scars?" I asked cautiously. There was no reply from Felix, I sighed as we began walking back to my house. I thanked him for the day before wishing him goodbye with a yawn.

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