Chapter Twenty-Five

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- Felix's POV -

I found myself snuggled in bed the next morning, avoiding any openings in the quilt to stop the chilling morning air to get into my cozy and warm cocoon. I pulled the sheets down, looking around my room as I ran my fingers through my hair. I never had anything to do on weekends so I was always bored until night time. I hated the snowy weather. Not only is it cold but I have no balance so every step could potentially make me land on my ass. Although it was pure and peaceful, the air was crisp and fresh. The lake froze over so everyone would ice skate and the snow provided good snowball fights.

The weeks drifted by and we were soon one week away from the Christmas holidays. The school was decked out in normal Christmas decorations, it was so bright and festive it gave me a headache. As soon as I walked in, I blinked rapidly, my eyes hurt from how bright it was and it was like I walked into a cheap Santa's village at the mall.

"Club sign up begin today in the gym!" A member of the student council called, waving a bright pink flyer around.
"Clubs begin next year! Christmas bake sale entries close today at 3pm!"
I shuffled past her but her eyes were like a hawk.

"Felix!" She called, grabbing my wrist
"Take this" she shoved a pamphlet at my chest.


"Because everyone must sign up for a club in the new year" She chirped happily before disappearing into the crowd again.

"God dammit" I muttered. The student council was a scary bunch of people, always forcing you to do things you don't want to. I'd rather chill in my room after school then go to a stupid club or sports meeting. I trudged to my locker, ignoring the stares on me. I could feel them judging me and my red-and-white stripped socks. So what if I looked like Where's Waldo? They're comfortable. I grabbed my books for English, today was presentation day. It was suppose to be last week but some students (cough cough Braydon) didn't finish in time. So the teacher extended the deadline an extra week.

"Alright, settle down!" Mrs Johnson called over the class.
"We'll draw names and go in that order" she said holding up a baseball cap filled with paper slips. I read 'Tale of Two cities' mostly, listening very little. Soon, I heard our names, Kaiden and I marched up to the front of the class. He started as I flicked through the slides, we switched at some points and I talked. There weren't many people listening, one student yawned while another snacked on a box of biscuits. We finished, earning the mandatory applause.

"Well done boys, very proud" Mts Johnson said giving me a grin. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that I got both of us to pass. I sat back down at my table, Kaiden sitting in the chair next to mine.

"What club you joining?" He whispered to me as he rested his head on his arms. He faced me as I shrugged.

"You still doing basketball?"
He nodded,

"Last year of it too" he said with a smile.
"Gonna miss this school"

"I'm not" I snorted quietly to myself
"This hellhole can rot for all I care" He raised an eyebrow but never commented on the truth in my voice. The bell rang some time afterwards and everyone started to pack up, Braydon's speech wasn't bad but you could tell his partner did most of the work. 

"Kaiden! Felix, stay here" Mrs Johnson called, Braydon glared at me but clapped Kaiden on his back.

"See you at break" he called, following the crowd out. We were the only ones left in the class,

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