Chapter Fifteen

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- Felix's POV -

Kaiden and I were silent as he drove me back to my apartment, I felt awkward but I told myself that it was just the drugs that had pumped into me.

"So, what happened?" He asked after some time.

"I wasn't paying attention. The car stopped in time but I didn't, he gave my bike a love tap which sent me off course" I explained,
"That was the last thing I remember"

"So you don't remember the hospital?" He asked,

"Oh, nope, nope, nothing at all." I lied
"I remember waking up with you next to me"

"Well, you called me out and I signed some paperwork"

"Thank you" I said honestly,
"I know how strict your dad is and if he knew that you skipped..." I trailed off.

"Nah, its cool" Kaiden said scrunching his nose. I've realised that I've started to notice repetitive things about him like how he twitches his eyebrow when his agitated or chews on a pencil when he's confused. He pulled up at my apartment,

"Well, if you ever need me, you know where I am" I said. He smiled at me, showing his full set of white teeth.

"We can meet at the library tomorrow and finish working on the assignments, Braydon texted me that she was handing them back tomorrow" he said. I gave him a nod before escaping the car, Nikki looked up from her cigarette.

"Woah, what happened to your face? It's all fucked up" she said, exhaling the smoke.

"Accident, what's your excuse?" I spat back jogging upstairs. Unlocking my door, I flopped onto the couch and turned the TV on to some random show. I stretched out, relaxing but I couldn't sleep because of my drug-induced power nap at the hospital. Some time passed before I decided to move, grabbing some leftovers from the fridge and deciding to go to the bar. With my bike in the shop, I put on combat boots along with a plain grey t-shirt and jeans. I grabbed my wallet, looking in to see nothing.

"Bloody hospital ran my dry" I muttered walking to my large book case and pulling it aside. In the wall was a hole and in that hole a safe, it was installed by my previous tenant and way just covered over. I found it when I smashed my book case against the wall by accident. I unlocked the safe, grabbing some money that I was saving up. Some was for tonight and some was for rent. I have been saving for a long time with the hope of leaving this shitty town and going to Seattle, living in a nice apartment with a stable job. Dreams are nice but I had to face reality. After slamming the safe shut, I went back downstairs.

"You know, it's kinda rude to say something insulting then walk away when I haven't even thought of a comeback" Nikki said, the cigarette she had before had been stamped out and replaced with a piece of gum.

"Oh yeah, what's your comeback?" I asked leaning against the desk.

"Your mums chest hair"
I laughed,
"It's not my fault you didn't give me enough time" Nikki shrugged. I slipped her the rent money which she happily took.

"You are one of the only ones who pays on time. What do you even do for a job?" She asked, I never told her who I was.

"Uh, bits and pieces" I said before waving her goodbye and escaping before she could ask any more questions. I began my long track to the club, humming to 'Villain' by Social Repose.
Once arriving, I noticed how it wasn't open yet. I sat down in the gutter, closing my eyes with my pounding headache.

"Hey Felix!" I looked up and saw Adrian with Landor,
"What happened to your head?"

"Bike accident, you guys opening?" I asked, standing up and brushing away the dirt.

"Soon, we have to do some jobs around the place first" Landor said as Adrian unlocked the door. It was weird seeing this place empty, I took a stool of the bar and sat it on the ground.

"Can I get a water?" I asked Adrian who stood behind the bar, tying on a apron. He filled a glass of tap water as I grabbed two pills for my head.

"You can go lay in the back of you want, there's a old couch and everything" Landor offered.

"Thanks" I replied before heading to the staff only area. There was a old looking brown couch and nothing more that interested me. My phone buzzed with a text,

'Got into a lot of trouble but after explaining you got hit by a car while walking to school, they calmed down :). Also, Lucy says hi' the text from Kaiden read, I felt touched that the cops son lied for me and the Lucy still liked me enough to say hi to me. We exchanged texts (mostly about the assignment) until I heard the first few people enter the now open bar. I sent one finally text to Kaiden, happy that my headache had gone away, and I went back out to the bar. A few people looked over at me, some smiled while others scowled. A group of 3 girls walked up, they were already holding booze in their hands.

"Are you the legendary Razor?" One asked, the rest looked on nervously but excitedly.

"Yes actually, I am" I said with a smile, the girls at the back started whispering.

"Don't mind them, they're just fans" the one talking to me said,
"Can I ask a favour from you?"


"My ex-boyfriend thinks his such a hot shot because he won some fights while you weren't here" she rolled her eyes and continued,
"But he's really creepy and he's been stalking me ever since we broke up. Could you beat him for me and tell him to never go near me?" She asked with hope in her eyes. I thought about for a second, I've been feeling antsy because I haven't fought and I have been looking for a good fight.

"Sure, I'll help a fan" I replied making the whole group of girls squeal in delight.

"His name is Toby, good luck and thank you!" And the group disappeared into the crowd. The bar was becoming more and more packed and I saw Landor fiddling with the speakers. Soon, loud party music flooded through the room making everyone dance. I sat back at the bar, glad that I had super strong medication for my head.

"What soda flavour?" Adrian asked as he poured a bud light into a cup.

"Raspberry" I answered, he handed me a can that I cracked open, sliding over the money for it. I felt in my natural habitat. The night wore on and around 11, Landor got on stage to announce the fights. I watched as many people signed up and either won or failed. I heard the name Toby and a large, scary looking guy with burn scars up his arms. He won, beat the guy he was facing faster than he could break a sweat. 

"Toby will now be facing off with the returning champion, RAZOR!"
The crowd went wild, jumping up and down and screaming. I managed to squeeze my way through to the stage, Toby's eyes skimmed me and snorted.

"Looks like this is going to be easier then I thought" he said in a cocky tone. Landor cried 'Fight!' And Toby immediately attacked. I dodged everything he threw my way, blocking some. He was fast, I'd give him that, but he left a lot of openings. I dodged his front punch, doing an upper cut that made his teeth clink together.

He stumbled back and I took this opportunity to swing my arm around and punch his ear. He groaned, but managed to kick me hard in the chest making me winded. I tried catching my breath but he saw this moment of weakness and attacked. He kicked my leg out from under me and I went down. He put pressure on my chest, waiting for me to call out but I didn't. I used my legs to kick his back hard. He flinched and I shoved his foot off me breathing heavily. I had managed to toss him over so he stumbled off stage. By the looks of it, he was down for the count but he got back off the concrete floor.

"I give" he cried as I stepped closer to him,
"Please don't!"

"You will never, EVER, go near your ex-girlfriend again or I will personally hunt you down again, got it?" I snarled, he nodded which made the crowd go wild.

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