Chapter Five

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I'm sorry if you like the stories that I mention, I'm not meaning anything bad about them or you.

- Felix's POV -

Oh yes.
Now I can monitor Mr popular, I'm sure he won't say anything but it's better to watch him. I glanced at him, he looked so terrified that I had to hold in my laugh. Biting my tongue, I looked over the structure. It was complicated but easy to do once you understood what she wanted.

The books that we had to chose were; Romeo and Juliet, Of mice and men and Pride and Prejudice. Romeo and Juliet was a shitty love story, all she had to do was say something before Romeo stabbed himself. Also, who even falls in love and dies for their love in like a 3 day period! Plus, she's underage in the original.

Of mice and men is a good one, has some good themes. I've read it before, if I had to chose if chose that one. But it has annoying language, not as annoying as Romeo and Juliet but I had to google a lot of the words because I didn't know their meaning. Who knew cat house meant a brothel? I do now.

I haven't read Pride and Prejudice yet but from what I've heard it's an alright story. But I'm not a big fan of rom-coms.
I sighed as the bell rang, home time. I stood up, wincing as my ear hurt. I have a headache and my ear still stings from the blow last night. I noticed Kaiden slip out quickly, he clearly didn't like being my partner. Neither did I. Quickly stuffing my books in my bag, I dashed out to find Kaiden.

He was already nearing the door, I wouldn't be able to reach him through the crowd of students. Ducking in an abandoned hallway, I dashed down to the exit at the end that lead to the back of the school. I slipped out, the back was full of cigarette butts, garbage and dirt. A high chain link fence wrapped around the back of the school, I tossed my bag over. Soon following as I climbed over, landing on my ass I grabbed my bag and returned to running. I managed to get to him as he unlocked his car,

"Kaiden" I gasped, he jumped.

"Wh- how?" He asked confused, I bent over huffing.

" a second" I said in between deep breaths.

"You literally run away from cops, how are you winded now?" He asked, I chuckled.

"I'm agile and swift with no stamina" I explained coming back up to face him, his face remained the same yet I saw fear in his eyes. Glad to know he got my threat.

"Gimme your phone" I said holding my hand out, he hesitated
"Do you want to fail this class again?" I snapped. He slid me his iPhone, I meanwhile had a shitty Nokia. I typed my number and myself a text to get his,

"I'll text you my address tomorrow, swing by so we can start drafting" I smirked as he nodded.

"Relax bud, as long as you shut your mouth you'll be fine. Plus, I also need this grade and I need you for the grade" I paused,
"Can't really present with a dead guy can I?" I laughed before walking off, leaving him alone. The next day was a weekend so we had all day to work on it. Miss English teacher already said that I needed to help Kaiden, she explained it to me at the start of the lesson. In order to graduate, he needed to pass every subject except gym. Basketball helps a little but not a lot.
I stopped at a small diner, sitting way in the corner. The waitress walked over, her smile faulted for a second as though she was disappointed that it wasn't Chris Evans sitting here.

"What would you like?" She asked in her sickly sweet voice,

"I'll just have a coffee" I said tossing the menu down,
"And a Carmel slice" she nodded and waltzed off again, sending a flirty smile at some other patrons. I sighed, taking off my glasses and rubbing my noes. I pulled out some pain medication, ready for the coffee. The waitress arrived, placing the items down. I piled in some sugar packets before gulping down the hot beverage with my medicine. Although the waitress is a bit bitchy, the coffee and slice was nice. I paid with some of my earnings from last night, keeping this place in mind. I walked out the door, the little bell ringing. Only, in the car park was Kaiden's friend with a girl hooked around his arm.

"Hey nerd" he called, I avoided eye contact. He bumped with his shoulder, I bet he was expecting me to go tumbling to the ground because when I glanced up at him through my eye lashes, he looked surprised.

"Leave the wimp alone Braydon" the chick whined,
"I wanna check out the salads you keep praising" she pouted. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as she flipped her dark brown hair over her shoulder. Brendan sent her a smile,

"Lets go Babe" he lead her in, sending me a glare with his stupid dark, almost black, eyes. I huffed, walking back off again towards my apartment so I can make it look respectable for my guest. I know full well that Braydon played everyone and fucked anything yet girls swoon at his feet. That poor girl was probably number 12 today. I pushed open the apartment lobby's door.

"Heya Hun" Nikki crooked out,
"Anything planned for the weekend?"

"I... have someone coming over" I said knowing that she'll pry in.


"A guy"

"Is he cute?" She looked up from her woman's magazine.

"I don't know, ask him"

"Why is here coming here?"


"If you don't want him, can I have him?" She asked winking.

"Go nuts" I would pay to see the wrinkly old Nikki flirt with high school bad boy Kaiden just to see how uncomfortable he'd get.

"You're very busy, another one of your friends just went up" she returned to her magazine, I froze. I have no friends, sad I know.

"What did he look like?" I asked cautiously. Nikki thought for a minute

"Tall, muscular, he had some stubble along his square and black hair that reached below his ears and was pushed back, a silver ring in his ear too. He was wearing a suit" she explained. I groaned, knowing full well who it was and wanting to avoid said person. I trudged up the stairs, not needed to unlock my door as I walked in. Sitting on my couch was Lucas, his leg crossed on top of his other other in a professional manner yet his posture looked relaxed. His eyes seemed to show how repulsived he was by my home.

"What do you want?" I spat out, he smiled.

"I've come again to offer you your old position" he said,
"I'm sure you've had your fun playing street fighter but it's time to come back" I glared at him,

"Again, no" I said sternly.

"You make this so sad, we all miss you" he lied, no one missed me, they only needed me. Lucas was the leader of a highly respected gang, they trained me and I worked for them. I quit ages ago but they still kept pestering me.

"Uh-huh, can you leave now?" I asked, moving away from the door. His smile never left his slightly worn out face.

"Certainly my dear, I'll see you another time" he shuffled out of the apartment, I slammed my door hoping he got the message to never come back again. I knew he will, he always does. I sighed, looking around the pigsty of a 'home'.
Time to get cleaning, I had to at least look respectable for my guest.

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