The Chunin exams part 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto and I never will... I only own Akane and the Momi clan and other OC's I made up.

Thanks 2 my new fans.:









Ashley Emerson

and Wolf_MaidenX3

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 (Akane’s POV)

“No, that’s not it. They are sound village ninja. They attack with sound, or vibrations, which caused pressure to build up and break his glasses.” I say, looking at the sound Ninja. I saw everybody jump and look at me.

Kabuto’s eyes widen, and then he falls to the floor, and he pukes. 

“An internal attack too huh? Interesting. The vibrations were strong enough to make him puke. You three, it’s best not to-” I was cut off by some one saying,

“Silence! Degenerates!” I recognized the voice as Ibiki, the leader of the interrogation unti. Being the granddaughter of the Hokage, you can learn a lot of things. 

Everyone looked up, and there were a bunck of people behind Ibiki.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. I’m Ibiki Morino, proctor for the first test of the Chunin Exam.”

Finally, the exam starts.

As Ibiki was explaining the test I was listening to him. When he explained that it was a written test, Naruto freaked out. He is still freaking out.

We were sitting in our seats, Hinata was lucky and got to sit next to Naruto. I was sitting next to one of the sound ninja from before. The girl with the long black hair. I felt her glaring at me. When we were given the test I looked over all questions first. 

What the heck are with these questions… I am not super smart like Sakura. I had the brains of an average Genin, with maybe a little smarter though. 

Ibiki said that we can’t cheat, but I don’t think it’s possible for us to answer these questions. Ibiki said not to cheat foolishly, foolishly… 

A kunai was thrown and it narrowley missed Naruto, hitting the test of the person behind him. “What was that for?!” The guy behind Naruto yells.

“You made 5 mistakes. You fail.” The procter said calmly, but smirking. “Both of his partners get out of here immediatley.” The guy looked shaken up, but leaves.

“#23 fails.”

“#44 and #27 fail” 

Numbers were called out one by one. Some people protested that they didn’t cheat, or asked for proof. 

I looked around and saw Akamaru looking around and barking to Kiba. Probably to give him the answers. I saw Hinata and Neji use there Byaku gan, and Sasuke activate his Sharingan. Sakura was rappidly writing down answers.   

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