39. First Kiss

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Kirin brought no company with him. She expected to see half the inn's wizards when she stepped out, but he came alone instead and, to make matters worse, wore the King's uniform.

Once the shock had passed, and she was honest with herself, her mind changed quite drastically about the situation.

Something good came out of this mess, after all, she thought. Kirin couldn't possibly go back to the castle after being seen by so many people. It made getting caught the best thing that could have happened to her all evening. She caught herself smiling and straightened her lips.

Maybe his fiancé wouldn't want to be with him anymore if— she stopped the thought. Kirin deserved to be happy, and if that girl were what made him happy, well then, Aurelie would try her very hardest to be content with that and let them be. The thought itself made her a little ill. Could she wish that upon him?

It was dark outside, with only the faint light of the moon to barely allow her to see his silhouette. It moved at a pace not too far off of running. She said very little and made her steps quiet as she could. Leila walked halfway between her and Kirin, still swaying a little from the drink. On the other hand, Aurelie had sobered right up as soon as she saw Kirin standing in that doorway.

"Was that your first kiss?" Leila asked.

Kirin's head angled.

"Whose?" Aurelie asked.

"Yours, silly. Will the sailor."

"Was he a sailor?" As the words came out, she realized what she had carelessly admitted to.

"You kissed him?" Kirin spun around.

"What?" Aurelie felt her throat tighten. "No.".

"And what if she did?" Leila asked, putting on a smug little smile. Aurelie couldn't understand why she was doing this.

"Leila! Stop."

"Stop what? Talking about you smooching Johnicus, the sailor?" She giggled and stumbled onward, knees shaking and arms flailing for balance. "Why would I do that? I'm jealous you got to do it. We're all just waiting to die, you know? And you got to have some fun with a handsome stranger."

Kirin stormed ahead, unable or unwilling to listen to more. She was both angry at him for reacting the way he did and horrified that she upset him. Before she could rush ahead, Leila continued.

"It's okay to have a life outside of being a dragon, Aurelie. We're all going to die at one point or another. What the point of sitting in that place and waiting for disaster? If you're fated to drown, you won't choke."

"Leila!" Aurelie's eye blazed. "What are you talking about? I didn't kiss him. You know I didn't. What is wrong with you?"

"You think he's going to be half mindful of you if you sit around all day hoping that he falls in love with you?"

Aurelie rolled her eyes. "Is that what you're trying to do?" She couldn't hear Kirin anymore. He either stopped to listen or stomped out of hearing distance.

"I'm trying to grow your spine back."

Aurelie's eyes—which had calmed by this point—ignited again. "You?" She giggled darkly and cocked her head at Leila. "You who lied to me for years and who left me captured by a giant tree? Is that the person who's making claims about my so-called lack of spine? You, my best friend, followed me from a distance for days." Aurelie shook her head, thinking that she had said too much. As much as she wanted to regret it, she didn't. "Besides, what does outright lying have to do with me having a spine? Is that how you measure it these days? What have you lied about to me, Leila?"

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