24. The Meeting Room

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The meeting room, as they called it, was at the very back of the inn. Aurelie had been there once before to investigate. The corners of the walls were covered with webs, and the table so dusty that she hadn't even realized that the map of Highfire was carved into the wood.

Now, of course, floating bubbles of light hovered all around the room, and it had finally been dusted. Kirin sat at the head of a very large table with Orken and Daerious on either side of him.

"I have been sketching the plans of the castle, but I have to do it piece by piece. The gods alone know what will happen if they catch me in the King's private library," Kirin said and the others nodded. "We'd need that for an ambush, doesn't much help that I'm the only one with knowledge of all the entrances and exits."

Aurelie took a seat beside Daerious. They looked up briefly. Kirin squinted, wondering what she was doing at the adult table, no doubt. She took no notice of him. That door was open for a good half hour before she found the courage to step inside and be a part of the conversation. There was no way she was leaving now.

"Right," Orken said, leaned back on the chair and rested his arms on his belly, "and how long will that take?"

Kirin puffed out a large breath, his lips vibrating. "About a month, possibly more. There are so many crucial passages and secret doors that even I haven't explored yet."

"That's good enough. Will give us sufficient time to study it, and pass it on to the others," Daerious said and sat up straight.

"Who else is there?" Aurelie raised a brow. They wouldn't be attacking the castle alone, that she was aware of. There was no way that they were stupid enough to take on the King and his army with fifty people, but other allies had never before been mentioned.

Orken rubbed at the corners of his mouth with his thumb and index finger. "There's Sasha's sister in the far south. They've formed a village, a couple of thousand men there. Mad Entho's family has been against the Royals for centuries. I'd bet he's dying to gather his men and attack the castle. And, that sister of his owes me." Orken stood, and walked behind his chair. "Then we'd better find out where we stand with the wood's men and their queen." He leaned against the chair and looked at Kirin. "Who else?"

Aurelie cut in before Kirin could answer. "If they're against the Royals, won't they be against me?"

Orken nodded. "Indeed, but they'll stick to the lesser evil for now."

Aurelie flinched. The thought of anyone thinking that she was evil caused much more discomfort than she thought. It was silly to expect every man who agreed to fight with her would like her, but evil seemed too harsh a word.

"Evil..." she tested the word on her tongue. At first, it was revenge that drove her, but now it was her people. Something that became more apparent every single day.

Daerious laid a hand on her back. "There will always be those who hate you because you have more than they do. In Entho's case, he'll assume you have more without double-checking because your title is, princess and his is master."

Aurelie caught Kirin rolling his eyes. "Let's get back on track, shall we?" he said. "Or shall we rather make a list of all the people that may not like our lovely princess instead?"

She felt the need to stand, and storm out of the room. His irritation hit her like ice-cold water. Why was he acting like this?

"No, Kirin please do go on about the plans that mean absolutely nothing at this very moment, and that will only be ready in a month or so. The issue is so pressing, I can't believe that I opened my pretty little mouth and uttered a word." Aurelie tapped her fingers on the table. "It's just that..." she smiled like an innocent maiden, "not all of us are as experienced with being hated."

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