Chapter 18 buddy!

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Hey guiseeeee, I'm so sorry for the long wait, ahhh. I really have no excuse... Writers block I guess... Don't hate me lol.

Ever notice how lol looks like a dying person?

lol, dying cheerleader *lol* hahaha


ok enough of that.. I assume you want me to write the chapter, now, so....



Dom's POV I opened the door and yelled, "What happened?!" well, assuming by the look on Dante's face, red, flushed, and Joanna's face looked of pure joy, nothing was wrong. At all. After quite a long, awkward-ish, silence, Dante cleared his throat.

"We should probably get back inside now, "I murmured, just loud enough for them allot hear me. Joanna dragged me back a little bit and whispered so the others wouldn't hear, "Tell you later." then she skipped off back into the house. Wow, that girl was happy. The smile hadn't left her face since Dante and Ricky showed up on my doorstep riding scooters. Speaking of that...why were they a block away anyways?

"Hey, guys, why were you a block away anyways...with scooters..." I asked, trailing off at the end of the question as I was starting to confuse myself...

"Shopping." Ricky stated, eating a grape from the bowl on the dining table, then throwing one at Dante. I took that moment to look them down. Ricky was wearing black jeans, not too tight yet not baggy, and a blue striped t-shirt, the stripes light and dark blue going horizontally Carlos the shirt. His hair was styled to perfection, but as much as I loved this boy, he needed a haircut.

Dante was wearing black jeans, similar to his brother's but not exactly the same, his shirt was simply white, he had a baseball cap set firmly on his head. Neither of them looked bad... at all.

Oh how lucky Joanna is! She gets to date Dante! Sure, he's not extremely known around the world, but still. Wellington still only has two singles out. I wouldn't be surprised if when the album comes out, they'll be knows absolutely everywhere though. Well, I've got Greyson, so I'm happy. Wow, Jo still had that smile plastered on her face. What a happy girl, I mused to myself in my head, then finally asked, "And the scooters?" I arched my eyebrows.

"Now that," Dante started, then picked up a grape and popped it into his mouth and said, "Has no explanation." I rolled my eyes at the both of them. Such dorks, but they're cute dorks. Speaking of cute dorks, I should call Greyson...

"Be right back guys." I called running upstairs, then pulled out my phone, and stopping to look at the only picture of Thomas left... In existence, a tear rolled down my cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb when the phone started ringing on the other end. Ring... ring... ring...ring...

"Hello?" I smiled, "Hey Greyson."

"Oh hello doll, I'm sorry I had no clue who you were my caller ID isn't working. I need a new phone really badly." I laughed and said, "It's cool."

"So why'd you call?" once he asked I thought about it, and realized I didn't have an answer.

"Um, I was wondering if you could meet the lake, after school tomorrow?" I asked quickly, biting my lip and hoping for a yes.

"Of course, doll." he said coolly and I let out a sigh of relief.

"What for?" he asked.

"Nothing really, just wanted to see you." I flirted and I could practically see the smile on his face right then. He laughed through the line and said, you know I can see you through my bedroom window...?" he asked. My eyes widened and I went to my window and sure enough, there he was, smirking at me. I hung up the phone and opened my window, yelling to him, "Flirt." I stated.

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