chapter ellevenooo

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chapter 11 ;D

***IMPORTANT NOTE GUYS!*** i need ideas!! please comment ideas on any of the story photos, please i need some ideas!! anyways well enjoy this next chapter:)!!

oh and also, check the POV in this chapter!! :3 ;)


we park in our driveway and i go upstairs into my room. it's a mess. how did i not notice i was living in a rat's nest? well, i guess my hair, and my floor are related, very closely releated...

i sit down on my bed and rest my head on my knees, and wrap my arms around my legs, curled up into like, like... like a little tomato. i'm random. i blame thomas. the thought of my brother brings daggers to my chest, or at least the feeling of them.

i push aside the thought and my eyes see a small peice of paper in the middle of my rug. it was the peice of paper that was in my bag with numbers on it. i picked it up and looked at it, at the scribbled, but cute, handwriting. it said "Greyson" on it and then... a phone number? dear god , it is a phone number. i clutch the peice of paper in my hands and read the number over and over again until i can say the number by heart.

greyson gave me his number, secretly, in the bag that i left at his house, that looks like his mom's bag, dear god, i have greyson chance's FREAKING phone number!

i turn on a CD of 'james durbin-memories of a beautiful disaster' and dance along to it. my mom yells up to me to keep it down, but i don't understand what she is telling me so i just keep dancing, making a beat with the squeaking of my converse.

i burst out laughing at myself when i realize i wore my converse to the beach, THE BEACH.

well that's me, i shake my head and sing along to "higher than heaven" bye james durbin:

angels saved me, god forgave me

but you were alone

take me higher than heaven

i dont need mercy

nonthing can hurt me

as long as you're with me

i'm higher than heaven

i giggle to myself as the burned CD ends and mess with my hair in the mirror a few times.






is my neighbor.

i have his phone number.

oh my god, oh my GOD!

"mwahahahaha!" i yell as i clutch the number to my lips and kiss it, throwing it in the air and catching it again, then yelling "woo!" a little bit softer as my mom tells me to "shut up."


Greyson's POV

i wonder if Dom found the number yet?

i keep asking myself over and over. when i hear her next door, music eardrum-breaking-loud and singing, i sense that she has and smile like an idiot to myself.

she's really pretty, really she is. alexa has already noticed me doze off at dinner sometimes, and flirting whenever we hang out with their family.

well, nosy.

i wonder if she's going to call me...

my blackberry buzzes on the table and i pick it up a little bit to earnestly. "hello?"

"hey greyson!" i hear from the other end of the line. "so why did you put the number in my bag?"

well i didn't want to tell her i planned it all out, because i DIDN't despite what alexa or tanner says, so i just say, "well you left it here so... i, put it in. problem?"

"NO!" she says loudly and i mouth out the word 'ow!'

"okay, okay," i say and there's a silence. i hope she hasn't hung up yet. i check my screen phone, she hasn't hung up yet.

"Greyson why'd you slip it in, though?"

it took me a minute to answer about, but i replied, "Dom, would you like to go on a date with me, i mean, anytime uou'd like or you're free, but , um... would you?" i could hear her scream on the other end.

"um, i mean yes!" she hung up the phone quickly. i smiled ear to ear. guess i'll see her soon then.


Greyson's POV

u like it? LOLZ knew u would! haha hope u guys still like the story cuz i'm enjoying writing it allot!!

ALSO!! lets discuss this little thing im having called a CONTEST

there are going to be two contests, the one you enter is optional, you dont have to enter...

contest #1-book cover whoever makes me the best book cover will get a shoutout, i will read their stories and fan them, plus the cover will be used for my story !;)

contest #2-write out a random part of the story in DOMs POV!! you may NOT use greysons POV, or else i will NOT accept your entry... anyways this part of the story can be anywhere, just remember to use the main plot of the story in it, and the best one i read will be posted (NOT as part of the story but just for fun:D)

enjoy the contests my readers!

oh and the deadline of the contest is July 13th, because it will bring luck to whoever is having a bad day on... dun dun dun for dramatic effect... friday... the... thirteenth

am i the only person alive who loves that day? well whatever...

comment/vote/comment/fan me maybe?/comment if i like it i'll dedicate a chapter to you...



and no there was no point to the smiley face next to the chapter eleven thing

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