C.h.a.p.t.e.r. FOUR.teen

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chapter 14

Dom's POV

on sunday night my parents and i said bye to the Chance's, and left for vacation. i was VERY excited for this vacation. we go in dad's jeep then left for the mountains. every Christmas break, my parents and i go to see something, well, really every holiday we can. it's usually a sad vacation, but i'm always so excited to go and see it.

we got to the mountains monday afternoon.

i was asleep so my parents woke me up and we started our way up the mountain path. when we reached the top, and it seemed mugh a longer way up than it usually feels and than it actually is, we went to the stone. the gravestone. i felt tears well up in my eyes as i read the words carelved intothe beautiful garnite stone:




i was crying into my dad's shoulder now, i could feel my running eyeliner streaming down my cheek. oh thomas, i thought, i miss you, i miss you...

i cried even more but wiped the tears away with the sleeve of my sweater.

my parents and i drove home in silence, and i fell asleep again, and was awoken at 3:00 A.M. on Tuesday. i went to bed and dreamt about thomas, my dead twin brother.

i woke up on wednesday and felt like the day would be really boring. i went downstairs and did my usual routine, ate breakfast, watched tv, then danced to my ipod until my parents wake up.

i look a my calendar in my room and my eyes widen as far as they can possibly widen. today. is. my. date. with. greyson.

oh dear god , i didn't even realize. until now.

oh my god.

oh my god...


i ran upstairs as quickly as possible and checked my clock. 7:00 P.M.

one hour to get ready. he did say eight o clock, right? i hope so. oh my god.

i looked into my closet and through my dresses. by the time i found the perfect dress my room looked absolutely horrible and it was 7:30.

ugh! i'm going to die on this date. i looked at myself in the mirror. i was wearing a short black dress, tied at the waist, with a blue sweater. my hair was a mess, so i just ran a brush through it and put a purple beanie on, to match my shoes.

"there." i said, actually looking pretty presentable for once in MY opinion. god i hope greyson likes it, heck, i hope he likes me. oh dear god.

Greyson's POV

i spent monday and tuesday doing nothing but writing songs. about Dom. she's just so pretty, and her smile is really something. i wonder if she still onlh likes me as a singer, rathar than as a person...

well i guess i'll find out tonight.

i can't decide what to wear. what am i going to wear? oh no, now i'm thinking like a girl. i put on a white t-shirt, and a black tux-sweater. i wear tuxedo pants. i really hope its not too dressy. i hope she likes me more than just a fangirl would like me. well, i guess ill find out tonight.

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