chapter tenno

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chapter 10

Dom's POV

the chance's and my family went on a picnic the next day. it. was. the. most. amazing. day. of. my. life. ever.

that's all i have to say.

when we got to the beach-the private beach-not to meantion, i immediatley got up out of the car and ran up to greyson. "THANK YOU!" i practically screamed into his ear. well i couldn't help it, i needed that photo more than anything.

"woah, Dom," greyson stuttered. "for what?" i pulled away from the hug and looked at him. "for my bag. " i scratched the back of my head.

"is that bag really mean so much to you?"

"yes and no," i said." not the bag, something, just, a photo inside. "

"of what?" greyson asked and i immediately knew the answer. a flashback suddenly popped ito my head, and i remembered him and i playing in our sandbox. OUR sandbox. sam would always fight wtih him abojt whether i was his bff or hers, and even though i told her it was her, i still knew he meant so much more to me.

"dom?" greyson loomed at me in confusion.

"oh, sorry, um, the photo is of... of my brother, Thomas." i replied sadly.

"you have a brother?where is he?" greyson's eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"not here..." i said and started to cry, but my family came over at that moment so i forced myself to stop.

i wiped the tears off my cheeks and my chin with the back of my hand and then make my way over to the area where we were to eat.

-four hours later-

"stop it grey!" i giggled and threw some sand back at greyson. alexa laughed in the distance and tanner yelled, "sand fight, oh it's ON!" and threw some sand at greyson. greyson threw sand at alexa and she threw sand at both greyson and me both and once. greyson and i exchanged looks, then both started laughing so hard i could barely breathe, but mostly i couldn't breathe because of greyson's priceless laugh.

"hey guys," greyson said as he caught his breathe. "you know what i brought?"

he made his way over as we all questioned what he could have brought with him. but as greyson reached into the bag-quite suspiciously i must say- i knew what he brought: silly string.

"TAKE COVER GREYSON's GOT SILLY STRING!" i yelled and laughed at the same time and greyson opened the silly string can up and squirted some string at me. i gasped. oh no he di-

he squirted me again. i put my hands up in the air and say, " you win, squirt them im begging," and so he sticks out his toungue and squirts some in the air, then at tanner and alexa.

man this is going to be a fun week.


i love you guys!!! haha! im already in the hundreds on the fanfic list

no, honestly i thought id be closer to ranked at two thousand or something, 120!!


i might be doing a contest soon, i'll say the details of it next chapter, which will be uploaded within the next half hour (i have nothing to do so im wasting time here :P)

this chapter is dedicated to my lovely fans:) the ppl who fanned me! thank you!


thats when you read and you like the story, but dont give me feedback. I NEED ALLOT MORE FEEDBACK!!

if i dont get enough i'll end ip deleting this whole series altogether!

so comment! and vote! and comment! and fan me maybe?

but comment!



(PS i will start doing some greyson POVs in upcoming chapters ^.^!!)

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