Chapter Five

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** HEY GUYS so.... NOT REALLY getting. any. comments. FEEDBACK. idk if i shud KEEP. WRITING. STORY. i need feedback on my chapters :D

you guys ARE AWE.some!! :P

btw ONE DIRECTION<333333 LOVE themmmm. lots. Greyson IS THE. IN.SPIRAT.ION!! :D :P so yeah... love you NEED. FEEDBACK!! :D SO COOL...

i'm babbling.

OK. just. R.E.A.D = stands FOR... read. kk, ReAd!


Dom's POV

"You two may go," Mr. Donnoham said, "Stay out of trouble!"

Greyson and I nodded and left the room. We got onto the bus and I didn't even bother putting in my headphones to ignore the hateful words the other kids were throwing at me. Greyson and I sat at the back of the bus... again.

"Domon-- I mean Dom," Greyson asked, "Why do you sit at the back of the bus? I mean I don't know if you do everyday, but, do you?" I gulped down the lump in my throat. "Yes." I said shakily.

"Why?" There was a few-second silence between us there, and i sighed as i heard somebody yell out, "Look," the girl chuckled. It was Sam. "Her, that dork over there." I wiped away the tears and looked away from Greyson, fidgeting with my hair. "You used to be my best friend Sam," I whispered. "Why'd you turn?" I wiped away another tear as Greyson put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Dom?" The tears kept coming to my eyes and I continued to look away from Greyson. When the bus stopped at my house I stood up at the same time as Greyson, still refusing to look at him, even though he's my complete idol, and my inspiration. Well, I guess we are neighbors after all. I kept fidgeting with my hair on the way off the bus.

Greyson followed behind me but then turned around and picked something up off of hte back seat. "Dom, you dropped this." It was my iPod. I finally looked him in the eyes and said absentmindedly, "Uh, yeah, thanks, Greygrey."

"Greygrey?" Greyson laughed. My face went a light pink color and I turned and walked towards my house, waving behind me as he went the other way to his house right next to mine, shaking my head at how dumb I was to call him 'Greygrey' straight to his face.



What'd ya THINK??.....

I know this chapters A LITTLE SHORT but i wanted to make something like MY brother...

lol JK i didn't mean to!! haha well you guys are just such lovely people, considering...

24 READS after 2 days...!! thanks :D

i still need comments though.. so comment, you don't really need to vote/rate, your choice... um...

COMMENT. yeah.

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