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*Dom’s POV**

I slid into the dress I had bought for my date with Greyson. A blue dress, knee-length, sparkly. Would he like it? Maybe. I sure hope so. I had straightened my hair so it wasn’t its usual curly messy self. I applied mascara, eyeliner, and eye-shadow to my eyes, and blush to my cheeks, then looked at myself in my new mirror. I looked gorgeous. Absolutely stunning. I don’t usually think about myself this way, but oh my goodness, I was beautiful for a change. I heard the doorbell ring so I slid on my converse and went downstairs and opened the door. There stood Greyson, looking even more amazing than I had ever seen him in any picture ever.

“You look beautiful.” Greyson said simply, a pure look of awe on his face. I could feel the heat on my face and so I looked down.

“Thanks.” I smiled. Greyson smiled too and said, “After you,” while gesturing for me to go outside. I still didn’t know where we were going…

“Where are we going?” I asked and he gave me a mischievous smile that spoke ‘You’ll see’ all over it, showing his beautiful white teeth. I shook my head and asked another question, “How are we getting there?”

“Walking.” My eyes widened. “It’s not that far, trust me…” I shook my head again but let him lead me to where we were going… wherever it is that we were going, anyway. We walked in silence, not an awkward silence, but still silence. Greyson reached over and grabbed my hand, and looked over at me smiling.

“You’re making me blush.” I said quietly.

“I know,” he smiled. “But it’s lovely so I think I’ll keep doing that. I blushed even deeper and suddenly my shoes were the most interesting thing on the whole entire planet. He laughed and I looked up, following his gaze also to my shoes.

“I love those converses, but really?” I nodded, smiling shyly. “Well they suit you nicely. Is it just a style or something, or do you wear them for a reason?”

“They used to be the only shoe I owned,” I said sadly, feeling tears coming to my eyes. “I’ll- I’ll tell you l-later-r-r.” I said and Greyson frowned.

“What’s wrong?” He asked politely and I shook my head, taking my hand away from his to wipe away the tears from my eyes. Luckily I wore waterproof makeup.

“We’re here.” Greyson whispered and I looked up. We were at the park. Wow, I should’ve known.

*Greyson’s POV**

“We’re here.” I whispered loudly. Dom looked up and smiled lightly, making me feel less bad for bringing up something that made her cry. I mentally noted to ask her about that in a few days… or weeks. She looked over at me with a huge grin spread across her face.

“Race you to the swings.” She said and I shook her hand, “You’re on.”

























*Dom’s POV**

“You seriously kissed!” I nodded my head furiously and practically yelled, “Yeah!” and giggled like a psycho maniac.


“I know right. I never thought this day would come! I mean I never even expected to even go to one of his concerts and now I’ve kissed the boy! I just can’t believe it…”

“When can I meet him?”

“Tomorrow.” I smiled. “On one condition. You bring Dante. And Ricky.” Joanna smiled and said, “Deal. But I don’t know about Ricky, he might not be able to come.”

“Fine by me.” I said, still smiling. I sighed and Joanna laughed, “Best day ever, right?” I nodded again, smiling still.

“Although I did ruin my brand new dress landing in a mud puddle at the bottom of the slide… but either way. Greyson got messed up too.” I laughed, “So yeah, best day ever. What’s going on with you and Dante then?” Joanna sighed and said, “Well I met him of course, and he gave me his number. His mom loves me, I really don’t know why. She said she’s already given me permission to date Dante. Isn’t she just the best? Anyways… Dante told me to call him any day and he can go basically anywhere in this area for a whole two months before he goes on tour with his brother and the boys… except for on Sundays… I don’t know why though but he said I’m cute… and he likes my name! And-“

“Is this really what I was like when I told you about my date and kissing Greyson?” I asked, interrupting her.

“Yeah pretty much.” She said then continued her story.

Man, it’s good to have my only other friend back.


hey guys so...

HOW DO YA LIKE THE STORY SO FAR? i got some cover ideas from people on twitter but it won't let me change the cover. >.< sometimes my (mom's) computer sucks.


hope ur enjoying ma storeh!! oh and btw who checked out wellington??? anywhere?? I'm going to try to upload one of their songs attached to this chapter but if i can't then i apologize, but PLEASE look them up on youtube or something, they're awesome xD

Joanna is (BbTtWw) my friend who is OBSESSED with them... isnt that right jo? ;)


im rambling....








Greyson chance is SEXYYYY






LOOK UP WELLINGTON!! goodbye my lovely 1,339 readers. :) <3

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