Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Dom's POV

"Dom, wake up, time for school!" dad yells to me from down the stairs. Really, already? Summer can't really be over already, can it? I groaned as I stood up and stretched, looking at my mirror then down at my purple converse, still on my feet. I must have fallen asleep with them on. I shrugged. I've been wearing the same type of shoe ever since Sam betrayed me. My shoes are like my best friends, considering I really didn't have any friends at all since the end of seventh grade. I shook the images from my head of being bullied by the group of...them...leader being my ex-best friend: the one and only, Sam Ruly.

"Dom?" dad knocked on my door, and when I realized it was still locked I said, "I'm up, I'm up."

"Kay, good Dom, now c'mon, your mother is going to be late for work, be quick not lazy." He said and then I heard his footsteps leading away from my door in a rush down the stairs outside of my room.

"alright." I said with no enthusiasm whatsoever. I brushed my hair (a.k.a. my rat's nest) and my teeth. I put my glasses on over my eyes and tied up my converse tighter than they were before, almost so that my feet were throbbing.

I unlocked and opened my door, exited my room, then relocked my door and shut it. Nobody gets in, nobody gets out, I decided, so I secretly took all of the keys to the rooms in the house and put them in my new, black backpack. My black-pack, I smirked.

"Dom, isn't that the outfit you wore yesterday?" I drank down a glass of milk for breakfast and wiped my mouth clean with the back of my hand. I murmured, "Yeah, but mom I gotta go, or else I'll be late for the bus. Bye!" I burst out the door before she could say another word.

I got onto the bus and went through the same routine: sat down in the back seat of the bus (NOBODY sits there), listen to blasting music through my headphones without the bus driver seeing, and ignore the hurtful words the other students throw at me (ugly, dorky, nerdy, etc...). This time, my routine went just a bit different, though. A new boy got onto the bus.

But this wasn't any ordinary boy; this was a boy I would recognize from four miles away, from his brown eyes to his perfect smile. I looked down at my feet and smiled in amazing excitement, trying to hide it completely. Nobody else seemed to notice who he was, which broke my heart. Not even Sam noticed.

I stared at the new boy slightly, and watched as people ignored him, very coldly, as he looked for a place to be seated. I looked back down at my iPod as the song changed. The boy looked around at every seat and couldn't seem to find one, but he also looked quite pleased to have a little bit of peace from millions of screaming fans, gifts thrown at him from every direction, and "CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH?!"

"Sit here, sit here..." I kept whispering to myself over and over, hoping he would notice me unlike everybody else. His eyes flickered over to the back seat, the one next to mine. I crossed my fingers and closed my eyes tightly as he made his way slowly to the back of the bus and sat down next to me, only a few inches away. I could feel him looking at me, so I took out my headphones and looked over into his chocolate brown eyes, and he said, "Hi," he held out his hand for me to shake it, "I'm gr-"

"I cut him off, "I know who you are." I shook his hand shakily, "You're Greyson Chance, nice to meet you."

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